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Tiếng Anh - Đại học
04/06 19:50:58

Do you think it's mportant to know about other cultures

Speaking Part 3
1 Do you think it's mportant to know about other cultures?
2 How can we benefit from learning about other cultures?
9 What do you think is the best way to learn about another culture?
4 Do you think that learning forelgn languages can help us understand foreig
S Do you think it's better to go overseas to study a foreign language or to stu
it in your home country?
6what is your understanding of the term "globalizatioe"?
7 Do you think globalization isa good thing?
 8. Do you think its easier to learn about ather cultures todas thanit was
1 trả lời
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Sure, let's go through each question one by one.

1. **Do you think it's important to know about other cultures?**
- Yes, I believe it's very important to know about other cultures. Understanding different cultures fosters mutual respect, reduces prejudices, and promotes global harmony. It also enriches our own lives by exposing us to new ideas, traditions, and perspectives.

2. **How can we benefit from learning about other cultures?**
- Learning about other cultures can broaden our horizons and make us more open-minded. It can enhance our communication skills, improve our ability to work in diverse environments, and even boost our creativity by exposing us to different ways of thinking. Additionally, it can lead to better business relationships and more meaningful travel experiences.

3. **What do you think is the best way to learn about another culture?**
- Immersing oneself in the culture is often the best way to learn. This can be achieved through travel, living in a foreign country, or engaging with people from that culture. Additionally, consuming media such as books, films, and music from that culture, as well as participating in cultural events and festivals, can provide valuable insights.

4. **Do you think that learning foreign languages can help us understand foreign cultures?**
- Absolutely. Language is a key component of culture, and learning a foreign language can provide deeper insights into the values, traditions, and social norms of the people who speak it. It also allows for more meaningful interactions and connections with native speakers.

5. **Do you think it's better to go overseas to study a foreign language or to study it in your home country?**
- While both options have their benefits, studying a foreign language overseas can be more effective. Immersion in a native-speaking environment forces you to use the language in real-life situations, which can accelerate learning. However, studying in your home country with a good curriculum and native-speaking instructors can also be very beneficial.

6. **What is your understanding of the term "globalization"?**
- Globalization refers to the process of increased interconnectedness and interdependence among countries, primarily driven by trade, investment, technology, and cultural exchange. It involves the flow of goods, services, information, and people across borders, leading to a more integrated and interdependent world economy.

7. **Do you think globalization is a good thing?**
- Globalization has both positive and negative aspects. On the positive side, it can lead to economic growth, cultural exchange, and access to new technologies and ideas. However, it can also result in job displacement, cultural homogenization, and environmental degradation. The key is to manage globalization in a way that maximizes its benefits while minimizing its drawbacks.

8. **Do you think it's easier to learn about other cultures today than it was before?**
- Yes, it is definitely easier to learn about other cultures today than it was in the past. Advances in technology, particularly the internet and social media, have made information about other cultures more accessible. Additionally, increased global travel and migration have brought diverse cultures closer together, making it easier to experience and learn about them firsthand.
Quỳnh Annh
04/06 19:53:04
+5đ tặng
1. The invention of the telegraph gave birth to the telecommunications industry.
2. The first important telegraph line was built in 1843.
3. More than 50,000 miles of lines connect people east of the Rockies.
4. San Francisco was added to the network in 1861.
5. Samuel B. Morse made the invention of the telegraph useful.
6. The National Telegraph Network strengthened the link between East and West by providing an efficient means of tracking railroad schedules and routes.
7. The expansion of the telegraph, combined with Richard M. Hoe's invention of the steam rotary printing press in 1846, revolutionized the world of journalism.
8. The establishment of the Associated Press as a central wire service in 1846 marked the birth of a new era in journalism.
9. The Associated Press was founded in 1846 as a central wire service.
10. No, Samuel B. Morse was not successful in journalism.

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