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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
20/06 12:57:06

Rearrange the words or phrases to make meaningful sentences

V. Rearrange the words or phrases to make meaningful sentences.

1. she/by/all/traveled/ the time/ to/ turned/She'd/ European countries/ eighteen.

2. because/they/ the forest/in/bring/Alex and Hudson/to/forgotten/got lost/had/ a map.

3. Canada/moved/They/hadn't/before/to/studied/English and French/they/ last year.

4. before/ lived/ Will and his family/ two years/ moved/ had/ Leeds/in/ they/ to London/ago.

5. work/her parents/fallen/before/home/ The baby/at/asleep/had/from/came/eight.

6. my/question/I/ thought/ of/that/asked/before/ younger sister/ hadn't/ difficult/me.

7. hadn't/ Sue and Miranda/got/brought/wet/they/ because/ a raincoat.

8. years/ the car/sold/ Timothy's grandparents/had/for/ten/ they/ before/owned/ it.

9. that/turned/ didn't/ Mr. and Ms. Gomez/notice/ the traffic light/had/red.

10. ordered/had/ the waiter/ rice,/them/ Alex and his brother/ but/served/ noodles.
3 trả lời
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Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
Sure, here are the rearranged sentences:

1. She'd traveled to all European countries by the time she turned eighteen.
2. Alex and Hudson got lost in the forest because they had forgotten to bring a map.
3. They hadn't moved to Canada before they studied English and French last year.
4. Will and his family had lived in Leeds for two years before they moved to London.
5. The baby had fallen asleep before her parents came home from work at eight.
6. I thought my younger sister hadn't asked me that difficult question before.
7. Sue and Miranda got wet because they hadn't brought a raincoat.
8. Timothy's grandparents had owned the car for ten years before they sold it.
9. Mr. and Ms. Gomez didn't notice that the traffic light had turned red.
10. The waiter had served them noodles, but Alex and his brother ordered rice.
Kim Mai
20/06 12:58:43
+5đ tặng
1. She'd traveled to all European countries by the time she turned eighteen.
2. Alex and Hudson got lost in the forest because they had forgotten to bring a map.
3. They moved to Canada last year. They hadn't studied English and French before.
4. Will and his family had lived in Leeds before they moved to London two years ago.
5. The baby had fallen asleep at home before her parents came back from work at eight.
6. I thought of a question that my younger sister hadn't asked me before.
7. Sue and Miranda hadn't brought a raincoat, so they got wet.
8. Timothy's grandparents had owned the car for ten years before they sold it.
9. Mr. and Ms. Gomez didn't notice that the traffic light had turned red.
10. The waiter had ordered rice for Alex and his brother, but served noodles to them.

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Cải thiện điểm số của bạn bằng cách đăng ký tài khoản Lazi.
Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
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Quốc Hưng
20/06 13:08:23
+4đ tặng
She had traveled to all European countries by the time she turned eighteen.
Alex and Hudson got lost in the forest because they had forgotten to bring a map.
They hadn't studied English and French before they moved to Canada last year.
Will and his family had lived in Leeds for two years before they moved to London.
The baby had fallen asleep at home before her parents came from work.
I thought my younger sister hadn't asked me that difficult question before.
Sue and Miranda hadn't brought a raincoat, so they got wet.
Timothy's grandparents had owned the car for ten years before they sold it.
Mr. and Ms. Gomez didn't notice that the traffic light had turned red.
Gouu Tduz
20/06 13:10:01
1.She'd travelled to all European countries by the time she turned  eighteen.
2. Alex and Hudson got lost because they had forgotten to bring a map.
3.They hadn't studied English and French before they moved to Canada last year.

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