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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
28/06 20:48:00

Are there any topics you never read? Why or why not?

Are there any topics you never read? Why or why not?
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Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
As an AI language model, I don't have personal preferences, emotions, or consciousness, so I don't "read" in the way humans do. However, my training data includes a wide range of topics up until my knowledge cutoff date in October 2023. There are certain topics I am programmed not to engage with or generate content about, primarily for ethical, legal, and safety reasons. These include:

1. **Hate Speech and Violence**: Content that promotes hate speech, violence, or discrimination against individuals or groups based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or other characteristics.
2. **Illegal Activities**: Information that promotes or instructs on illegal activities, including but not limited to hacking, drug manufacturing, and other criminal behavior.
3. **Personal Data**: Sharing or requesting personal, sensitive, or confidential information about individuals.
4. **Misinformation**: Spreading false or misleading information, especially in areas like health, safety, and elections.
5. **Explicit Content**: Generating or discussing explicit adult content, including pornography.

These restrictions are in place to ensure that the AI is used responsibly and ethically. If you have any questions or need information on a wide range of other topics, feel free to ask!
28/06 20:48:28
+5đ tặng

The phase you undergo after you and your partner get together for a “happily ever after “

The books( fiction ) show how hard you need to try to talk to a person, flirt , hang out , propose and finally get into the wedlock . If it’s a fantasy novel it will even show you how many oceans the hero crossed to see the single smile of his sweetheart . 90 percent of the fiction ends with “ finally they joined hands together and lived happily “

The reality kicks in after we actually start living with that person . One day if you don’t receive the message from your partner you usually receive , you tend to think about all the negatives that exist and that are going to exist in this universe. Social media stories , newspaper headlines and anonymous answers on quora help you a long way in imagining things that don’t even have the slightest possibility of happening .

You get into a fight with your partner and you think that’s going to end up in divorce and you might end up as a single for the rest of the lifetime and you are even prepared to take your parents into an exile in case your parents are going to questioned by your relatives . The next day he texts you “ good morning honey , sorry for hurting you “ , you become happy not because he apologised but because you no more have to become a divorcee .

His parents hurt you emotionally and you start thinking that you and your spouse are going to be seperated only because of his parents . You start worrying that you won’t even be in a situation to become mad at him because he isn’t the reason anyway.

You become nervous when he says “ buy what you want “. You think that you must not be habituated to getting gifts from him because this” happily ever after “ phase fades out eventually and you won’t be able to digest the disappointments in future . How do we know that it will fade away ? Courtesy : anonymous answers to “ do you regret your marriage “ ?

You will want to stay with your parents as much as you want to live with your soul mate . You know that both will not happen and you instruct your brain to worry about your Parental health at nights even if they are perfectly fine . You instruct the brain to worry about what ifs and could have been stuff when yo can actually enjoy the moments with your “ happily ever after “ . You would have dreamed about how to cuddle your spouse before getting him and when he is right there , you instruct the brain to think about what will happen to your mom and dad after 25 years .

When your Parents seek an alliance, they and you would have so proudly claimed that you are going to live happily in abroad. Given a chance , you will take the next flight to your hometown and stay there as long as it’s possible .

Every single day passes off with anxiety. Books don’t show that . Anxiety kicks not because you aren’t with a loved one . It kicks in because you are with the loved ones now. Books don’t show that .

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Bạn đã đạt đến giới hạn của mình. Bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản, bạn có thể xem toàn bộ nội dung trả lời
Cải thiện điểm số của bạn bằng cách đăng ký tài khoản Lazi.
Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
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28/06 20:49:00
+4đ tặng
I tend to avoid reading articles about celebrity gossip and scandals. I find them to be less informative and not as relevant to my interests. I prefer to focus on topics that have a more substantial impact on society and my personal growth.
+3đ tặng

There are plenty of books I will never read that are of great quality.

I am an English 1st language reader, and Afrikaans 2nd language. As a result any book not translated to one of these two languages is forever barred to me. (and no, I’m NOT about to try and learn another language, thank you. Learning Afrikaans was hard enough!)

I love maths, science, technology and related fields, however there are 1′000s of very good quality books in these subjects that are forever barred to me, simply because I lack the mental equipment to understand them, and am far too lazy to attempt to remedy that.

There are many excellent quality books out there I will never read, simply because my interests do not intersect with them.

There are also many books that I avoid, not out of a lack of interest, but out of an actual antipathy to the genre.

  • Top of this list is “Self-Help” books. I cannot think of any genre of books that has done more, collectively, to damage the psyche of modern man. All that they teach is that will never be good enough and that unless you are “the best” you are capable of, you are a failure. Pah! People would be far more content and fulfilled if they realised that not everyone can be in the top 1%.
  • Next is autobiographies … I have zero interest in reading about how someone praises themself. While there are undoubtedly a few autobiographies out there that are worth reading, the vast majority are narcissistic LSD trips. Biographies are a little better, but not much.
  • I also actively avoid books promoted by the ivory tower academics. They are rarely worth reading. I have no doubt some of them are well written, but they are usually obsessed with themes I have no interest in. [Here I have to caveat that I have read a lot of the same books this crowd promote, but never BECAUSE they promote them.]

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