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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
11/07 16:13:08

Choose the option that best completes each sentence

gấp ạ e cảm ơnn ????????
1 trả lời
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Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
1. The problem with Simon is that he thinks he can succeed without **gaining/having attended** any lectures.
- A. gaining/having attended

2. The social worker gave the students a talk **to warn/taking** them against drugs.
- B. warning/take

3. He's not in the habit **of telling/to take** lies, but he had to make up an excuse to take the afternoon off for his job interview.
- A. of telling/to take

4. We haven't yet decided when **to hold/know** a meeting, so we'll let you know as soon as we've fixed a date.
- A. to hold/know

5. It is his ability **to communicate** well that makes him a great teacher.
- C. to communicate

6. We should appreciate **living/to ease** in the 20th century when we have so many appliances easing the hardships of our lives.
- B. living/to ease

7. You don't appear **to have understood/to explain** the formula. Do you want me to explain it once more?
- C. to have understood/to explain

8. My mother won't allow anyone **to enter/vacuuming** the living room until she finishes vacuuming.
- B. to enter/vacuuming

9. As Sheila is moving house on Monday, she's asked me **to help/pack** her belongings.
- C. to help/pack

10. I was worried about my sister's **getting/wondering** how she'd cope with it.
- B. getting/wondering

11. Innocent people deserve **to be protected** from the gunmen and thieves in the area.
- A. to be protected

12. The first boss **to make/work** all the employees overtime was James Drilldown.
- A. to make/work

13. **To be/to eat** quite truthful with you, the meal you made was too awful to eat.
- A. To be/to eat

14. There are many other problems **to be tackled/doing** before we start doing anything.
- C. to be tackled/doing
Chu Diem Quynh
11/07 16:20:44
+5đ tặng
  • The problem with Simon is that he thinks he can succeed without (A) gaining/having attended any lectures.

  • The social worker gave the students a talk to warn (A) / taking.

  • He's not in the habit of warning (B) / to take them against lies, but he had to make up an excuse for telling/to take an afternoon off for his job interview.

  • We haven't yet decided when to hold (A) / to know a meeting, so we'll let you know as soon as we've fixed a date.

  • He knows his subject so well (D) that makes him a great teacher.

  • We should appreciate having communicated (C) / to be communicating our need for new appliances.

  • You don't appear to have understood (C) / to explain the formula. Do you want me to have understood / to explain it once more?

  • My mother won't allow anyone to enter (A) / to vacuum the living room until she finishes vacuuming it once more.

  • As Sheila is moving house on Monday, she's asked me to help (C) / to pack up all her belongings.

  • I was worried about my sister's getting (A) / to wonder how she'd cope with getting divorced from her husband, and for days, I couldn't help wondering.

  • Innocent people deserve to be protected (A) / to protect from the gunmen and thieves in the area.

  • The first boss to make (C) / work all the employees overtime was James Drilldown.

  • To be quite truthful with you, the meal you made was too awful to eat (A) / to have eaten.

  • There are many other problems to be tackled (C) / doing before we start.

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