Finish the second sentence in each pair, using like, as... as, or different from
Ex 2. Finish the second sentence in each pair, using like, as... as, or different from.
1. Rock is very exciting. It is not like country music.
=> Rock is very
country music.
2. Composer Hoang Long wrote many good songs for children. Composer Pham Tuyen
also wrote many good songs for children.
=> Composer Hoang Long
Pham Tuyen, wrote many good songs for children.
3. The Vatican Museum has excellent works of art. The Louvre Museum has excellent
works of art too.
=> The Vatican Museum's works of art are
Museum's works of art.
the Louvre
4. A vacation on the beach is relaxing, while a vacation in a big city may not be.
=> A vacation on the beach is
a vacation in a big city.