1.What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? - h.I love reading and spend as much time as I can doing that
2.How much time do you hae each week for - g.About five hours or fewer
socialising with friends
3.What do you think is the best leisure activity - a.I don't know...doing sport or playing a musical instrucment
for teens?
4.Why do you join English club? - b.I want to improve my speaking skill
5.Do you prefer to spend your free time alone - c .I prefer to spend my free time with my family and friends
or with other people?
6.What do you do to relax yourself? - e.For relaxation, I prefer listening to soft music
7. How often do you use social media? - f.Every day to consume Facebook updates from friends and family
8. Do you have any plans for next weekend? - d.I'm not sure.I might watch a video at home