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Use the correct form of the verb in bracket

  Đề cương ôn tập môn tiếng Anh lớp 8(Trong thời gian nghỉ phòng dich Corona)

1. Use the correct form of the verb in bracket

1.  My clothes are not in the room. They (just take)                   them away.

2.  This is the most beautiful place I (ever visit)                  

3.  We are very tired. We (walk)                   for three hours.

4.  I                  (see) that film several times because I like it.

5.  Up to now, the teacher (give)                  our class 5 tests.

6.  Please be quiet! I (work) ………………

7.  Mary (come)                   from London.

8.  Sometimes I (get)                  up before the sun (rise)                 .

9.  She (ask)                  me to tell about him several times.

10.  Mr Jackson (paint)                   his house since last month.

11.  How long you (wait)                  for me? - Just a few minutes.

12.  He often (say)                  OK when he (talk)                  with the guests.

13.  Tom (not come)                   here tomorrow.

14.  Listen! The bird (sing) ………………

15.  Someone (cut)                  down all the trees in the garden.

16.  Some animals (not eat)                   during winter.

17.  Hurry up! The train (come)                  .

18.  Where are you now? - I'm upstairs. I (have)                   a bath.

19.  How long you (study)                  in this school?

20.  We (not see)                  them for a long time.

  2.Use the past simple or past continuous?

1.  When I (arrive)                   at this house, he still (sleep)                  

2.  The light (go)                   out while we (have)                  dinner.

3.  Bill (have)                   breakfast when I (stop)                  at this house this morning.

4.  When I (come)                  to his house, he (work)                 

5.  As we (cross)                  the street, we (see)                  an accident.


6.  Tom (see)                   a serious accident while he (stand)                  at the bus stop.

7.  The children (play)                   football when their mother (come)                  back home.

8.  The bell (ring)                   while Tom (take)                   a bath.

9.  He (sit)                  in a car when I (see)                   him.

10.  We (clean)                   the house when she (come)                  yesterday.

3. Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others’.


A. unicorn

B. culture

C. ceremony



A. school

B. chocolate

C. chess



A. ethnic

B. elephant

C. cinema



A. stilt

B. ship

C. span



A. village

B. cage

C. cottage

4. Choose the best option to complete each sentence. Circle A, B or C.


A very long time ago, in the country of Lac Viet there __________ a god __________ Lac Long Quan.


A. is, name

B. was, named

C. was, naming




He __________ the body of a dragon and __________ magical powers and good health.


A. had, possessed





B. was having, was possessing





C. has, possesses






One day, a beautiful fairy, Au Co, who __________ in the mountain, __________ the country of Lac Viet.


A. lived, visited

B. lived, was visiting

C. was living, visited




Lac Long Quan and Au Co __________, __________ in love, and __________ married.


A. had met, had fallen, got





B. met, fell, got 





C. was meeting, was falling, was getting






On the day of giving birth, Au Co __________ a sac of one hundred eggs, from which __________ one hundred humans.


A. laid, hatched

B. laid, was hatched

C. laid, was hatching


5. Choose the best option to complete each sentence. Circle A, B, or C.

1. Environmental pollution has ___________ to lots of health problems.


A. caused

B. led

C. made


2. ___________ industrial waste, many fish cannot survive.


A. Because

B. Since

C. Because of


3. Oil spills from cargos and ships have ___________ many animals and plants die.


A. made

B. caused

C. resulted


4. This film is rated 18+ because there are too many ___________ scenes.


A. funny

B. violent

C. entertaining


5. ___________ effects created an amazing world in the movie, it looked so real!


A. Incredible

B. Moved

C. Special

6. Read the following folk tale. Circle A, B or C to answer each question.

A Stack of Gold for Starfruit


There were two brothers living in this village. Their parents died, leaving them a fortune, but the elder brother was greedy. He claimed all the fortune and left the younger brother only a starfruit tree. Luckily, the tree gave him a lot of fruits. But when the fruits were ripe, a giant raven came and ate them every day. The younger brother begged to the raven, “Please don’t eat the fruits. If you eat them, my family will starve.” So the raven responded, “Don’t worry, for each fruit I eat, I’ll pay you with gold.”
One day, the raven took the man to a secret island, which was full of gold. He filled a small bag. Then the raven took him home, and he became well-off. Seeing that, the elder brother wanted the gold too. He traded all of his fortune for the fruit tree.
The raven also took the elder brother to the island. He brought a very big sack and filled it with gold. The raven got tired on his way back; it got angry and dropped the man into the sea.



What did the elder brother do?






A. shared the wealth equally with his younger brother






B. took everything their parents left them






C. gave the younger brother very little of what their parents left






What does the word "them" in the passage refer to?






A. the brothers

B. the fruits

C. the raven






What does the word "trade" in the passage mean?






A. exchanged

B. changed

C. turned






Why did the raven get tired?






A. Because he had to fly to the island twice.






B. Because the elder brother took too much gold.






C. Because the elder brother was too heavy.






What could be the message of this fairy tale?






A. You should share your wealth with the less fortunate.






B. You should treat your family kindly.






C. You will have to pay a dear price for greediness.




7. Read the following passage. Circle A, B or C to complete each sentence.

Oral storytelling has been around as long as human language. Our ancestors probably gathered around the evening fires and talked about their fears and their beliefs through oral stories. This long tradition of storytelling is evident in ancient cultures such as the Australian Aborigines.
Early storytelling probably originates in simple chant. People sang chants as they worked at grinding corn or sharpening tools. Then they started to combine stories, poetry, music, and dance. The stories explained how life began and why things happened, as well as provided entertainment. Those who were excellent at storytelling became entertainers, educators, cultural advisors, and historians for the community. Through storytellers, the history of a culture was handed down from generation to generation.
In the 20th century, interest in oral storytelling has revived. A number of storytelling festivals were established. Storytelling festivals bring tellers to gether for entertaining, telling and education in the art.
* oral = spoken



The word "gathered" in the passage can be best replaced by __________.






A. talked

B. met

C. built






The phrase "originates in" in the passage can be best replaced by _________.






A. creates by

B. comes from

C. begins with






The word "excellent" in the passage is closest in meaning to __________.






A. outstanding

B. brilliant

C. smart






The phrase "handed down" in the passage can be best replaced by _________.






A. carried out

B. went on

C. passed on






The word "revived" in the passage can be best replaced by _________.






A. come back

B. survived

C. disappeared




8. Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given. You can use other words in addition to the cues to complete the sentences.



There/shepherd/who/look after/sheep/field/.





Once he/decide/shout/as if/see a wolf/.





Village men/come/and/realise/trick/.





A wolf/attack/sheep/for real/day.





The shepherd/shout/help/no one/come/because/village men/think/he/trick/again.



9. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. Circle A, B, or C.

1. A. visual

B. thermal

C. pollute


2. A. medical

B. electric

C. botanic


3. A. chemical

B. specific

C. national


4. A. dramatic

B. logical

C. continue


5. A. dynamic

B. festival

C. illegal

10. Match the beginnings of the sentences in A with their endings in B. Write your answers in the space provided.




1. If I were the president,

A. this river wouldn’t be so polluted.


2. If the air is cleaner,

B. they wouldn’t dump so much litter into rivers and oceans.


3. If farmers don’t overuse pesticides and herbicides,

C. I would punish those who throw rubbish on the streets.


4. If this factory had a better waste treatment system,

D. people’s health will be improved.


5. If people were really concerned about the environment,

E. vegetables will be safer to consumers.

Your answers:

1. _____     2. _____     3. _____     4. _____     5. _____

11. Choose the best option to complete each sentence. Circle A, B, or C.

1. Environmental pollution has ___________ to lots of health problems.


A. caused

B. led

C. made


2. ___________ industrial waste, many fish cannot survive.


A. Because

B. Since

C. Because of


3. Oil spills from cargos and ships have ___________ many animals and plants die.


A. made

B. caused

C. resulted


4. This film is rated 18+ because there are too many ___________ scenes.


A. funny

B. violent

C. entertaining


5. ___________ effects created an amazing world in the movie, it looked so real!


A. Incredible

B. Moved

C. Special

12. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word given.

1. I like to speak English to people from ________ countries.



2. Speaking English with correct ________ is difficult.



3. Hoa has made lots of ________ in her learning English.



4. Singlish is an ________ of Singaporean English.



5. I’m learning English to join an ________ summer camp.


13. Read the passage about Miguel. Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). Circle T or F.

Miguel moved to the United States from Brazil three years ago. He lives with his mother and his sister in a small house that they rent in Minneapolis. His father, Alfredo, stays behind in Brazil because he owns a small business. He'll rejoin the family sometime next year.
Miguel's family had to wait almost ten years to immigrate to the United States. They applied for a visa when Miguel was two years old. They didn't realize it would take so long to obtain permission to enter the United States. They're happy about their new lives, but they get homesick from time to time, and they miss Alfredo.
Miguel is gradually adjusting to his new life in Minneapolis. He still struggles a little with his English, but his new American friends are helping him learn about the language and the culture. He's in his second year in high school, which means he's a sophomore. He has two more years to go before he graduates. His grades are good and he's very active in sports. He plays American-style football in the fall and soccer in the spring.

1. Miguel is in USA now with his mother and sister.




2. Miguel’s dad is a businessman.




3. Miguel’s family had their visa right after application.




4. Miguel has no difficulty learning English.




5. Miguel will graduate in a couple of years.



14. Read the passage. Complete each sentence with no more than THREE words.

The recent announcement from the Viet Nam government has claimed that Formosa – a Taiwan steel corporation based in Ha Tinh – was responsible for the mass fish deaths in central Vietnamese provinces in April and May 2016. According to this announcement, Formosa has discharged a significant amount of industrial waste, containing lots of harmful chemicals, into the ocean. This seriously polluted the water and killed the fish. The officials of the company, in a national correspondence meeting, apologized the Vietnamese people with a bow. Formosa would pay $500 million to treat the oceanic pollution and to compensate for         economic losses of the region. However, according to environmentalists, it will take a long time for the ecosystem of the central Viet Nam to fully recover. In the mean time, local tourism and fishing industries have already been negatively affected. Due to the fear of polluted water and seafood, many tourists have cancelled their pre-booked tours to Ha Tinh, and fishermen haven’t been able to sell their fish to customers.

1. Formosa caused ______ fish deaths in Ha Tinh province.
2. The polluted water had many ______ and was dumped directly into the ocean.
3. The company promised to pay $500 million to treat the ______and to make up for economic losses.
4. ________ say that the polluted ocean will not restore its previous state very soon.
5. The incident has made tourists cancel their _______ to Ha Tinh.

15.Read the passage and complete the sentences. Circle A, B, or C.

America is known as the land of opportunity. Thousands of people immigrate to the United States every year from different parts of the world to have access to these kinds of opportunities. This is what is known as, "the American dream".
America is also home to many of the world's top colleges and universities. The California Institute of Technology is a top world-ranked college that focuses highly on science and engineering. It is located in the city of Pasadena. Harvard University is another top world-ranked college that you might be familiar with. The buildings at Harvard date all the way back to the year 1636, making Harvard the oldest university in the United States. It is located in the state of Massachusetts. University of California, Los Angeles is another institute worthy of recognition. Located next to Hollywood, UCLA has distinguished itself as a prestigious and selective university due to the number of people who apply for admission throughout the United States. The universities mentioned are but a few of the many other excellent schools that make the United States so outstanding.

1. America is called the land of __________.


A. dream

B. opportunity

C. immigration


2. The word immigrate in line 1 can be replaced by__________.


A. come into

B. go out of

C. travel


3. The California Institute of Technology __________.


A. ranks first in the world


B. is a university focusing on natural sciences


C. focuses on science and engineering


4. What is NOT true about Harvard?


A. It was founded in 1636.


B. It is the oldest university in the world.


C. It is located in Massachusetts.


5. University of California, Los Angeles __________.


A. is in Hollywood


B. is different from other universities


C. has a high number of applications


16. Write a paragraph about a fairy tale you have read. Write 80-100 words.

17Your school is holding a writing competition about English speaking countries. Now write a paragraph (80-100 words) to describe one country you like best.

18. Now write an email (80-100 words) to your pen friend telling him about an activity that you have done to protect the environment.


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