Bài tập  /  Bài đang cần trả lời

Choose the correct answer: Which one is different?

V. Which one is different?
36. A. want                             B. need                       C. went                        D. fish
37. A. thirsty                           B. hungry                   C. hot                          D. vegetables
38. A. sometimes                   B. always                    C. often                       D. eat
39. A. orange                          B. apple                      C. banana                   D. beef
40. A. warm                            B. hot                          C. cold                         D. feel
VI. Fill in the missing words.
slopes, cared, putting, as soon as, cold, overturned, fertilizing, wrapped, remember, town
41. The weather in Sydney is rather______________________ in July.
42. Suddenly the canoe_________________________ and everyone fell into the cold water.
43. Would you mind_________________________ out the cigarette.
44. The flowers________________________ in blue paper over there are beautiful.
45. Please two mile to drop by our house when you are in__________________________.
46. Mount Rushmore is famous for having the heads of four American Presidents______________________ into the rock.
47. They went swimming and sunbathing________________________ arrived in Nha Trang.
48. There are so many beautiful mountain_______________________ you can visit in Sa Pa.
49. Nam had a day to________________________ last weekend.
50. Farmers grow food for their animals and use the dung for_________________________ their field.
KÌ THI KSCL CÁC ĐỘI TUYỂN HSG KHỐI 6                     11
Question 1: Choose the word in each group that has underlined, italic part pronounced differently.
1.         A. thunder                  B. earthquake                        C. gather                     D. healthy
2.         A. hobby                     B. honest                                C. humor                    D. hole
3.         A. deny                       B. symbol                               C. terrify                     D. dynamite
4.         A. claimed                   B. warned                               C. occurred                D. existed
5.         A. health                     B. ready                                  C. heavy                      D. appear
Question 2: Complete the sentences with the most suitable words:
1. We want________ my English.
A. to improve             B. improving                          C. improved               D. improve
2. The telephone was________ by Alexander Bell.
A. invent                     B. invented                             C. to invent                 D. inventing
3. We will be there________ 5 o’clock early________ the morning.
A. in/ on                     B. on/ in                                 C. at/ in                       D. in/ at
4. He has a fine stamp________.
A. collect                     B. collection                           C. collective                D. collector
5. I can’t go to the movies with you if it________ heavily.
A. rained                     B. rains                                   C. rain                         D. raining
6. Jeans________ all over the world.
A. sell                          B. sold                                     C. is sold                     D. are sold
7. You must be________ when doing this test.
A. carefully                 B. care                                    C. careful                    D. careless
8. Nguyen Du is a famous________ in Vietnam.
A. musician                 B. designer                             C. correspondent      D. poet
9. He will be in Singapore from Monday________ Thursday.
A. in                             B. up to                                   C. at                             D. on
10. We feel very________ today.
A. happy                     B. happiness                          C. happily                   D. happen
11. Solar energy doesn’t cause________
A. pollution                B. polluted                              C. pollute                    D. pollutant
12. ________ is a person who installs and repairs water pipes.
A. electrician              B. carpenter                           C. locksmith                D. plumper
13. All the classes were________ painted
A. bad                         B. badly                                  C. worse                     D. good
14. Her family is aware of saving________
A. energy                    B. energize                             C. energetic                D. energetically
15. Passover is celebrated in Israel and by all________
A. English                   B. Vietnamese                        C. Japanese                 D. Jewish        
16. He is the man________ helped me yesterday.
A. which                      B. who                                    C. whom                     D. whose
17. In Australia, a tropical storm is called a________
A. typhoon                 B. hurricane                           C. cyclone                   D. eruption
18. My father has to go to work________ it is raining hard.
A. though                    B. but                                      C. because                  D. and
19. Where are the photos________ were taken at the Christmas party?
A. which                      B. who                                    C. whom                     D. whose
20. I’m very________ that I will go to Dalat tomorrow.
A. excite                      B. excited                                C. excitedly                 D. exciting
Question 3: Read this speech. Then answer .True or False? Check (√) in the boxes.
Good evening, everybody. My name is Professor Roberts and tonight I’m going to tell you how to study English well.
Most of you don’t have a good method of learning English. You can learn English well by:
Listening to the lecture carefully.
Practice speaking – listening – reading – writing English regularly.
Using a good dictionary.
Working harder on the pronunciation.
Corresponding to the facts.
If you follow these simple rules, you will improve your English quickly.
The meeting happens in the afternoon.
There are many people in the room.
The speaker gives two simple rules.
According to speaker, English will be better.
Question 4: Choose A, B, C, D to complete the passage.
Tet of the Lunar New Year holiday is the (1)________ important in Vietnam. Tet is a joyful festival (2)________ occurs in late January or early February. It (3)________ a time for families to clean and decorate their houses, wear new (4)________ and enjoy special (5)________ such as sticky rice cakes. Family members who live apart try to be together (6)________ Tet.
1.         A. less                         B. more                                   C. most                        D. least
2.         A. which                      B. the                                      C. who                         D. when
3.         A. was                         B. is                                         C. be                            D. are
4.         A. clothe                     B. clothes                                C. dressed                  D. cloth
5.         A. diner                       B. lunch                                  C. meal                        D. meals
6.         A. on                           B. in                                         C. at                             D. with
Question 5: Choose A, B, C, D to complete a letter of complaint:
Dear sir,
1.         A. I am writing about the poor quality to you of the Mai Chau tour organized by your company.
B. I am writing to you about the Mai Chau tour of the poor quality organized by your company.
C. I am writing to you about the poor quality of the Mai Chau tour organized by your company.
D. I am writing about the poor quality of the Mai Chau tour organized by your company.
2.         A. We were served with cooked badly food and the guide was not helpful at all.
B. We were served with badly cooked food and the guide was not helpful at all.
C. We were served with badly cooked food but the guide was not helpful at all.
D. We were served with badly cooked food with the guide was not helpful at all.
3.         A. We could not sleep as the young people upstairs were dancing all night.
B. We can not sleep as the young people upstairs were dancing all night.
C. the young people upstairs were dancing all night as we could not sleep.
D. We could not sleep because of the young people upstairs were dancing all night.
4. A. I would suggest that your company must apologize for the inconvenience and send us a refund.
B. I would be better to suggest that your company should apologize for the inconvenience and send us a refund.
C. I had better suggest that your company should apologize for the inconvenience and send us a refund.
D. I would suggest that your company should apologize for the inconvenience and send us a refund.
5.         A. I look forward to hear from you and see good response from your company.
B. I look forward to hearing from you and see good response from your company.
C. I look forward to hearing and seeing good response from your company.
D. I am looking forward to hearing from you and seeing good response from your company.
Your faithfully,
Hoang Long                                                                                
KÌ THI KSCL CÁC ĐỘI TUYỂN HSG KHỐI 6                      12
I. Choose the most suitable words or phrases to complete the sentences: (15 points)
01. I can see a boy_______ a water buffalo.
A. ride                         B. riding                                  C. to ride                     D. rode
02. It’s_______ to travel around Vietnam.
A. interesting             B. interested                          C. interestingly           D. interestedly
03. Would you mind_______ the windows?
A. to close                   B. closing                                C. close                       D. closed
04. _______ you mind if I smoke?
A. Could                      B. Don’t                                  C. Do                           D. Would
05. She cried_______ when she heard that news.
A. exciting                   B. excited                                C. excitingly                D. excitedly
06. My sister likes sweets_______ from chocolate.
A. making                   B. made                                  C. to make                   D. make
07. This is the first time Shannon_______ rice paddies.
A. is seeing                 B. saw                                     C. see                          D. has seen
08. There are flights daily to Ho Chi Minh City_______ Monday.
A. besides                   B. after                                    C. except                     D. on
09. We want________ my English.
A. to improve             B. improving                          C. improved               D. improve
10. The telephone was________ by Alexander Bell.
A. invent                     B. invented                             C. to invent                 D. inventing
11. Solar energy doesn’t cause________
A. pollution                B. polluted                              C. pollute                    D. pollutant
12. ________ is a person who installs and repairs water pipes.
A. electrician              B. carpenter                           C. locksmith                D. plumper
13. All the classes were________ painted
A. bad                         B. badly                                  C. worse                     D. good
14. Her family is aware of saving________
A. energy                    B. energize                             C. energetic                D. energetically
15. Passover is celebrated in Israel and by all________
A. English                   B. Vietnamese                        C. Japanese                 D. Jewish        
II. Use the words to make sentences. (10 points)
16. I/ wet/ through/If I/ know/ it/ rain/ I/take/ umbrella.
17. Please/ not/ interrupt/ me/ before/ I/ finish/ talk.
18. She/ remind / him / go / post office / buy / stamps.
19. Boy/ beg/ father / help / him / homework.
20. How long/ it/ you/ get/ your school/ bus.
III. Rewrite these sentences. (10 points)
21. I’d rather wait a few minutes than leave now.
" I prefer ..………………………………………….……….. ........................................................................................
22. This shirt is too dirty for me to wear.              
" This shirt isn’t........................................................ .............................................................................................
23. The ancient Egyptians built the Pyramids.      
" The Pyramids......................................................... .............................................................................................
24. The windows were painted yesterday.            
" Someone .................................................................. .............................................................................................
25. “Where is the Ben Thanh market?”                  
" He asked me ........................................................... .............................................................................................
26. I don’t visit you very often because you live so far away.      
" If................................................................................................................................................................................
27. You really ought to have a baby.                       
" It’s high time……………………………………………….....................................................................................
28. I last saw him at 21st birthday party
→ I ………………………………………………………………………..................................................................................
29. I prefer driving to travelling by train.              
" I’d………………………………………………………………......................................................................................
30. I’m sure Ken didn’t steal that bicycle.               
" Ken can’t…………………………………………………….......................................................................................
VI. Find the word or phrase that is SIMILAR in meaning to the underlined one. (10 points)
31. Why did you raise that question during the discussion?
             A. bring up                 B. look up                   C. try out                     D. think out
32. Some parents recover from an operation quickly.
             A. bring up                  B. call for                    C. get in                       D. get over
33. Don’t you want to remove your coat?
             A. put on                     B. put off                     C. take off                   D. try on
34. When does the train arrive?
             A. get up                     B. get in                       C. get on                      D. keep up
35. Your composition was poorly organized, you must do it again.
             A. hand it in                B. pick it out               C. rewrite it                D. repeat it
VII. Find the word whose underlined part is pronounced different from others. (5 points)
36. A. geology                        B. psychology             C. classify                    D. photography
37. A. idiom                            B. ideal                       C. item                         D. identical    
38. A. children                       B. child                       C. mild                        D. wild
39. A. both                              B. myth                       C. with                        D. sixth
40. A. helped                          B. booked                   C. hoped                     D. waited
VIII. Choose A, B, C, or D that best fits each space in the following text. (10 points)
In Germany, it's important to be serious in a work situation. They don't mix work and play so you shouldn't make jokes (41)________ you do in the UK and USA when you first meet people. They work in a very organized way and prefer to do one thing at a time. They don't like· interruptions or (42)_________ changes of schedule. Punctuality is very important so you should arrive on time for appointments. At meeting, it's important to follow the agenda and not interrupt (43)_________ speaker. If you give a presentation, you should focus (44)__________ facts and technical information and the quality of your company's products. You should also prepare well, as they may ask a lot of questions. Colleagues normally use the family names, and title - for example 'Doctor' or 'Professor', so you shouldn't use first names (45)_______ a person asks you to.
41. A. while                             B. as if                         C. such as                    D. as
42. A. sudden                         B. suddenly                C. abruptly                 D. promptly
43. A. other                            B. others                     C. another                  D. the other
44. A. on                                 B. to                            C. at                             D. in
45. A. if only                           B. as                            C. unless                     D. since
IX. Put the words in the correct form. (10 points)
46. People in my country are very warm and (friend)_______________________.                 
47. I’m (extreme)______ ________________ sorry for the delay.
48. An (orphan)____ __________________ is a home for children whose parents are dead.
49. L.A Hill is a (humor)_____ _________________ writer.
50. She looks more (beauty)____ __________________ than her sister.          
51. She is a (beauty)____ __________________ singer and she sings beautifully.                   
52. Everybody works (quiet)____ __________________ in the library.
53. My parents enjoy the (peaceful)____ __________________ of the countryside.
54. Nguyen does everything (differently)____ __________________ from his classmates.
55. Nga felt (extreme)_______ _______________ upset about losing her job.
X. Combine the following sentences, use the structure “ENOUGH TO”. (10 points)
56. Ba is tall. He can play volleyball.
............................................................................................. ...........................................................................................     
57. Lan is intelligent. She can do that test.
............................................................................................. ...........................................................................................     
58. Hoa is skillful. She can make her own handkerchief.
............................................................................................. ...........................................................................................     
59. His parent are rich. The can buy a new car.
............................................................................................. ...........................................................................................     
60. Phong and Thu aren’t tall. They can’t play basketball.
............................................................................................. ...........................................................................................     
KÌ THI KSCL CÁC ĐỘI TUYỂN HSG KHỐI 6                      13
I. Choose the words that has the underline pronounced differently from the others. (5 pts)
01. A. though                         B. enough                   C. cough                     D. rough
02. A. chair                             B. cheap                      C. chorus                    D. child
03. A. missed                          B. closed                     C. called                      D. planned
04. A. fat                                 B. any                         C. gas                          D. hat
05. A physics                          B. basic                       C. sailor                      D. subject
II. Choose one word that has a different stress position from the others. (5 pts)
06. A. scissors                        B. object                     C. wardrobe               D. transmit
07. A. comfortable                 B. commercial            C. generous                D. demonstrate
08. A. experiment                  B. assistant                 C. sociable                  D. equipment
09. A. advice                           B. beauty                    C. picture                    D. postcard
10. A. theater                         B. career                     C. cinema                    D. gallery
III. Choose from the four options given (marked A, B, C or D) one best answer. (15 pts)
11. David’s school_______ is very bad this term.
A. report                     B. period                    C. day                          D. semester
12. People go to a_______ to look at the famous works of art.
A. stadium                  B. gallery                    C. theater                    D. fair
13. I’d like to go_______ very much.
A. camp                       B. to camp                  C. a camp                    D. camping
14. Hoa is reading short stories_______ Jack London.
A. of                            B. from                       C. by                            D. with
15. John_______ Susan to go out with him but her parents didn’t let her out.
A. insisted                   B. suggested               C. invited                    D. helped
16. This book is_______ that I try to read it from beginning to end at one time.
A. so interesting         B. so interested          C. such interesting     D. too interesting
17. “Let it be” is a famous song_______. It is one of the best works by this band.
A. singing by the Beatles                               B. was sung by the Beatles
C. sung by the Beatles                                   D. sang by the Beatles
18. He_______ the train ticket at home.
A. took                        B. put                          C. brought                  D. left
19. She was_______ of watching television.
A. interested              B. tired                        C. tiring                       D. pleased
20. My mother_______ me that I should wake up earlier.
A. told to                     B. said                         C. was told                  D. said to
21. Our teacher asked us_______ in class.
A. not to talk               B. to not talk               C. no talk                     D. without talking
22. Peter broke his leg when he fell_______ his bike.
A. in                             B. on                           C. off                           D. of
23. You should_______ your lesson before the examination.
A. read                        B. look                        C. revise                      D. study
24. Hung is_______ do the crossword puzzles.
A. intelligent enough to B. intelligent enough  C. enough intelligent D. enough intelligent to
25. Her math result is_______ than her English result.
A. bad                         B. bader                      C. worse                     D. well
IV. Supply the correct forms of the word in bold. (10 pts)
26. Why was his lecture so______?                                                                                        bore
27. How many______ are there in a year in Vietnam?                                                           celebrate
28. ______ have warned the local people of the disaster.                                                       science
29. Colin seems______ for this job. No one can do it better him.                                         suit
30. Winning the______ was the great pride of the school.                                                   compete
31. This coffee is too______ to drink.                                                                                          heat
32. I can’t tell the______ between the twins.                                                                               differ
33. A fairy appeared and______ changed Miss Tam’s rags into beautiful clothes.            

3 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
08/05/2020 05:41:35
V. Which one is different?
36. A. want                             B. need                       C. went                        D. fish
37. A. thirsty                           B. hungry                   C. hot                          D. vegetables
38. A. sometimes                   B. always                    C. often                       D. eat
39. A. orange                          B. apple                      C. banana                   D. beef
40. A. warm                            B. hot                          C. cold                         D. feel

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Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng nhập tài khoản ngay bây giờ
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08/05/2020 05:47:19
11. David’s school_______ is very bad this term.
A. report                     B. period                    C. day                          D. semester
12. People go to a_______ to look at the famous works of art.
A. stadium                  B. gallery                    C. theater                    D. fair
13. I’d like to go_______ very much.
A. camp                       B. to camp                  C. a camp                    D. camping
14. Hoa is reading short stories_______ Jack London.
A. of                            B. from                       C. by                            D. with
15. John_______ Susan to go out with him but her parents didn’t let her out.
A. insisted                   B. suggested               C. invited                    D. helped
16. This book is_______ that I try to read it from beginning to end at one time.
A. so interesting         B. so interested          C. such interesting     D. too interesting
17. “Let it be” is a famous song_______. It is one of the best works by this band.
A. singing by the Beatles                               B. was sung by the Beatles
C. sung by the Beatles                                   D. sang by the Beatles
18. He_______ the train ticket at home.
A. took                        B. put                          C. brought                  D. left
19. She was_______ of watching television.
A. interested              B. tired                        C. tiring                       D. pleased
20. My mother_______ me that I should wake up earlier.
A. told to                     B. said                         C. was told                  D. said to
21. Our teacher asked us_______ in class.
A. not to talk               B. to not talk               C. no talk                     D. without talking
22. Peter broke his leg when he fell_______ his bike.
A. in                             B. on                           C. off                           D. of
23. You should_______ your lesson before the examination.
A. read                        B. look                        C. revise                      D. study
24. Hung is_______ do the crossword puzzles.
A. intelligent enough to B. intelligent enough  C. enough intelligent D. enough intelligent to
25. Her math result is_______ than her English result.
A. bad                         B. bader                      C. worse                     D. well
08/05/2020 05:49:02
26. Why was his lecture so boring?                                                                                        bore
27. How many___celebrated___ are there in a year in Vietnam?                                                           celebrate
28. __Scientific____ have warned the local people of the disaster.                                                       science
29. Colin seems___suitable___ for this job. No one can do it better him.                                         suit
30. Winning the___competition___ was the great pride of the school.                                                   compete
31. This coffee is too___hot___ to drink.                                                                                          heat
32. I can’t tell the___different___ between the twins.                                                                               differ


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