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Tiếng Anh - Đại học
08/05/2020 07:03:14

Kiểm tra lỗi ngữ pháp, chính tả của đoạn văn sau

Mọi người sửa hộ với ạ. E sắp làm bài ktra nên kb viết đúng hay sai nữa.
I have had a memorable experience of my life. Now, I'm 18 years old. This time last year, I was struggling with the exam papers to prepare for the entrance exam. I was very worried and scared. Everyone around tries, so do I. I cannot forget the time I studied hard all day with friends and teachers. All my friends helped me a lot. They taught me many things that I did not understand. They excite me, which makes me determined to pass the important exam. Besides, there is my family. In particular, my mother took care of me a lot and very well. I really thank my mother for her love with me. I also never forget this time. It was very tired, but it was also great.

1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Lưu Hoa
23/08/2020 10:42:18
+5đ tặng
I have had a memorable experience in my life. Now, I'm 18 years old. This time last year, I was struggling with the exam papers to prepare for the entrance exam. I was very worried and scared. Everyone around tries, so do I. I cannot forget the time I studied hard all day with friends and teachers. All my friends helped me a lot. They taught me many things that I did not understand. They excite me, which makes me determined to pass the important exam. Besides, there is my family. In particular, my mother took care of me a lot and very well. I thank my mother for her love with me. I also never forget this time. It was very tiring, but it was also great.
(bỏ really đi vì ko thật sự cần thiết)

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