At each period of age I have a different habit, and now I have the habit of listening to English music every day. This started since I was learning English at the age of 12, and my teacher encouraged us to listen to appropriate English songs to improve our listening skill and vocabulary. At first I just listened to them as homework, but gradually I fell in love with the melodies and lyrics of the songs. I listen to music in all of my spare time, and people easily find me wearing headphones everywhere. I listen to many different types of music, and my list of music now is up to a few hundred songs. In the morning I like to listen to Pop and Dance while preparing to go to school because they keep me awake and give me energy for the day. At noon I listen to the gentle country music to relax, and classical music is the first choice at bedtime so I can fall asleep easily. Some of my favorite singers are Adele, Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, etc. They also help me read more in English about international music news. My sister is also learning another language, and I encourage her to develop a listening habit so that she can improve her listening skill and vocabulary. Music is such a useful tool for entertaining, and I will maintain this daily routine as a way to both learn relax