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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
03/11/2020 18:24:56

Hãy viết 1 đoạn văn nói về một căn bệnh mà em đã gặp

Hãy viết 1 đoạn văn nói về một căn bệnh mà em đã gặp ( viết bằng Tiếng Anh )

1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Khá Nguyễn
03/11/2020 18:26:07
+5đ tặng
Today we no longer see some folk games such as blindfolded goat or hide-and-seek but rather online games. As usual, the graphics in these games are designed very lively with catchy sound effects. Especially the scene in the game is programmed as real, many players are attracted to the virtual world. Games online have influence on the nervous system, make the mind become fuzzy, confused between the real world and the virtual. A lot of people thus lose the ability to control themselves, become violent, fight as if they are in the game to prove themselves talent. Playing games also costs a lot of time and money, some parents do not give their children money to play games. As a result, they arise the habit of stealing, which is very bad. There are a lot of students who are very obedient, the pride of their family, because they are too much addicted to games online that neglect school study, form themselves bad habits, affect badly to health. The most important thing is that today's online games have become an indispensable part of their lives and they themselves have not been properly aware of the unintended consequences. Now it is the time to make the alarm bell, point out to young people the right perception of online games.


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