Ex 2:
We often think that our lives will get better after school is completed or we have a family or a stable job. But once we have these, we are again dominated by many other preoccupations and worries. We are often not satisfied when life is not what we want it to be. How many people realize that the happiest times are the moments we currently live in? Life inherently contains many challenges, difficulties and adversities. The best way to adapt to this life is to accept reality and believe in yourself. Each of us, in any situation, must know how to feel and find our own happiness. Don't expect a miracle or someone else will bring you happiness. Don't wait until you are free or graduate school, don't wait until you make a lot of money, be successful, have a family, or when you retire, that is when you will be happy.Don't wait until spring, summer, autumn, or winter to feel happy. Don't wait for the morning sun or sunset to think that it is happiness. Don't wait until Saturday afternoons, weekends, holidays, birthdays or any special day to see it as your happy day. Why not this time? Happiness is a path, a journey. Please cherish every precious moment on that journey. Take the time to care for others and always remember, time waits for no one! But it's never too late - and time is your best friend, everyone's.