Air pollution: causes global warming and acid rain, increases temperatures, erratic rains and droughts worldwide, increase in asthma and cancer in the lungs. Water pollution : not only harms the aquatic beings but it also contaminates the entire food chain by severely affecting humans dependent on these. Water-borne diseases like cholera, diarrhoea have also increased in all places. Land/soil pollution : Plants can’t grow properly, they can’t hold the soil and this leads to soil erosion. Noise pollution : is caused when noise which is an unpleasant sound affects our ears and leads to psychological problems like stress, hypertension, hearing impairment, etc Radioactive pollution : causes cancer, infertility, blindness, defects at the time of birth; can sterilise soil and affect air and water. Thermal/heat pollution : increases the earth’s temperature, causing drastic climatic changes and extinction of wildlife. Light pollution : affects the astronomical observations and activities by making the stars almost invisible. Visual pollution : is the term given to unattractive visual elements of a vista, a landscape, or any other thing that a person might want to look at. #Good_luck