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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
02/06/2021 21:55:43

Some people say that: “Secondary school students should be allowed to use mobile phone at school”. Do you agree or disagree? Write a passage about 120-150 words to support your idea

Some people say that: “Secondary school students should be allowed to use mobile phone at school.” Do you agree or disagree? Write a passage about 120-150 words to support your idea.


2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
+5đ tặng
In fact, students say to use their phones to contact their parents or friends or to search for homework online, but it is a small part of students using the phone. Truly smartphones for entertainment purposes. Currently, students in school also bring cell phones into class to play games and text while teachers are lecturing. This leads to a distraction during the class and reduces the amount of knowledge students learn during that class.
The students abuse their phones too much, even watch unhealthy content and teenage movies have not been seen. Many of you joke around by taking your unsightly pictures and then spreading them online. More severe is the fight and the video clip is posted online, affecting your face and leading to the intention to drop out of school or commit suicide.

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Hằngg Ỉnn
02/06/2021 21:56:33
+3đ tặng
In my opinion, this topic is wrong and students should not bring their cell phones to school because when there are test times, students can use cell phones to check the results. Often, students will use their phones for the purpose of playing games, so students often do not focus and neglect their studies, leading to a situation of not doing their homework, not listening to their teachers, getting poor grades and possibly addicted to games and social networks.

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