Faced with the spread of Covid-19, many people were panicking and rushed to buy medical masks, antiseptic water, etc. to prevent the disease. Taking advantage of this situation, there have been many small traders arbitrarily increasing prices by 4-5 times compared to normal days. The situation of taking advantage of the context of the epidemic to increase the selling price of masks many times for profit is a virus that is harmful to the business environment that needs to be dealt with seriously. Such behavior is not only a violation of the law but also a violation of business ethics. If not handled seriously and promptly, it can spread from one object to another. Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam has directed: "Any pharmacy that increases the price of masks, requires the withdrawal of its business license". After drastically implementing the direction of the Prime Minister and ministries and branches, the collection of medical masks and antiseptic products has decreased compared to the previous days. The authorities also recommend that people, raise their own vigilance, should choose to buy and sell medical products at licensed and reputable establishments and stores to avoid buying fake and inferior goods. Quality, unknown origin. As citizens, we need to trust state agencies, always update official information to have the knowledge to eliminate bad behaviors from society.