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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
10/10/2021 10:54:16

Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to and the verbs in brackets

Hứa sẽ trả, mik cần gấp
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
VII. Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to and the verbs in brackets.
1. When visiting a temple, tourists
(follow) some important customs.
2. The secretary
(answer) all the phone calls at work.
(go) to work tomorrow. There's a holiday.
3. I
(buy) another ticket to see this part of the castle?
5. Everyone
_(recycle) as much as possible.
6. Susan
(come) to the town with us if she doesn't want to.
7. In our country, children
(wear) a uniform at school.
(do) his work tonight? Can he do it tomorrow?
9. You
(put) a stamp on this letter. It says FREEPOST on it.
10. We
(stop) talking when the lesson starts.
all the students
(take) the final test?
12. She
(take) an umbrella. I'm sure it isn't going to rain.
13. I
(leave) the party early last night - I wasn't very well.
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14. It was a lovely holiday. We
(do) anything.
15. The children are happy because they
(do) any homework today.
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Stephen Darwin
10/10/2021 11:27:33
+5đ tặng
1. have to follow
2. has to answer
3. won't have to go
4. do we have to buy......?
5. have to recycle
6. won't have to come
7. have to wear
8. Does he have to.......?
9. don't have to put
10. have to stop
11. Do all the students have to take.....?
12. doesn't have to take
13. had to leave
14. didn't have to do
15. don't have to do

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