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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
10/12/2021 22:27:55

Complete the following pairs of sentences by using "wh-words + to-infiritive"

giúp mik đi ạ
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
ll 4% I 22:24
5.1 can't decide whether I should answer his letter.
6. Tell mehow I can improve mypronunciation of English.
7.He has no ideawho he should call for help in case ofemergency.
8. Heasked his fatherwhen heshould leave forthe bustomorrow.
9.Shewondered how she can tell this news to her parents.
10.My mother couldn'tdecide how much money she should spend on Tet holiday.
11.Complete the following pairs of sentences by using "wh-words + to-infiritive".
Rache:Are you going to buy that overcoat?
You:I don't know (1) to buy it or not.
Tom:What time do you think we should
You:l'm not really sure (2).
David:Do you want to do business studies?
You:l'm wondering (3)business studies or statictics.
Rita:How much money should we spend on Tet holidays?
You:I have no idea (4) on it. Jack:Do
you intend to join the English club?
I can't decide (5) it or not.
Mike:Which route should we take?
You:It's difficult to know (6).
Michael:Which level are you going to choose?
You:l haven't decided (7).
1.Cirde the word which has differentstress pattern from the others.
1. A. versatileB. tomatoC. marinateD. chocolate
2. A. includeB. combineC. balanceD. reduce
3. A. cucumberB. ingredientC. opinionD. rutritious
4. A. teaspoonB.cabbageC pancakeD. canteen
5. A. individualB. supermarketC avocadoD. information
2. Choose one suitable word in the box below to fill each blank.
face to
street vendors entertain
1. My father often smokes a lot every day. I think it's abad,
2 You shoul nothave somerude
with otlerneonle
2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Hằngg Ỉnn
10/12/2021 22:33:49
+5đ tặng
5, I can’t decide whether to answer this letter or not.

6, Tell me how to improve my pronunciation of English.

7, He has no idea who to call for help in case of emergency.

8, He asked his father when to leave for the bus tomorrow.

9, She wondered how to tell this new to her parents.

10, My mother couldn’t decide how much money to spend on Tet holiday.

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Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
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Nguyễn Minh Thu
29/10/2023 20:02:45
Bài 11
2when/what time to leave
3whether to do
4howto spend 
5whether to Join
6 which to lake
7which to close 

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