After five minutes of mid-hour exercise, the game also quickly starts under the shade of trees. This place, some men kicked the ball, the red ball flying up and down not to touch the land very happy. At the first place, the first-graders sat in a circular play, their little hands spreading their scissors on the cement floor. In addition, some groups of four-year-olds, three-year-olds, blindfolded or goats on the grass behind the classrooms. On the front yard of the classroom, the female players jump rope very rhythmically. The rope is so strong, the roar of the earth is black. The dancer, the flying hair, the laughing mouth, the red scarf fluttering over his shoulders. In the distance, under the old phoenix tree, some of the fifth grade students are reading comics for each other and then laughing together. The time is so exciting. Laughter, the voice resounded in a lively harmony.