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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
08/02/2022 12:36:25

Choose the best option to complete each sentence

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Il - Choose the best option to complete each sentence.
E.g.: Road accident
A. victims
1. About a fifth of the country's income is in the form of foreign
make up almost a quarter of the hospital's patients.
B. people
C. volunteers
D. rescuers
A. aid
B. gift
C. penalty
D. loss
the west coast before the end of the decade.
D. erupt
2. Scientists have predicted that a large earthquake will
A. slide
B. strike
C. sweep
3. The
of the rain forests is an ecological disaster.
A. elimination
B. creation
C. restoration
D. destruction
4. The pilot of the aircraft was forced to make an
A. easy
landing on Lake Geneva.
C. effortless
in the primary school when the storm broke out.
C. class
for four days, destroying most of the old city.
C. raged
under a layer of ash seven metres deep.
C. buried
B. accidental
D. emergency
5. Many people had to find a
A. home
B. shelter
D. shed
6. The fire broke out and
D. spread
A. erupted
7. In AD 79, the city of Pompei was
A. erupted
8. Rescue teams are searching among the wreckage for.
B. shook
B. collapsed
D. scattered
A. rescuers
B. survivors
C. drivers
D. runners
9. After the tornado,
from damaged trees and houses littered the town.
A. garbage
B. debris
C. junk
D. rubbish
10. High winds have hindered firefighters in their efforts to
B. ignite
is a long period when there is little or no rain.
the flames.
A. burst
C. put out
D. burn
11. A
C. drought
is an extremely large wave caused by a violent movement of the earth's surface under the sea.
C. earthquake
in the explosion.
C. trash
of the volcano covered states as far away as Montana in a fine layer of ash.
A. rainstorm
B. flood
D. hurricane
12. A
B. mudslide
A. typhoon
13. Several people were injured by flying
D. tsunami
A. waste
B. debris
D. rubbish
14. The
B. strike
A. collapse
15. A thousand flood victims were
C. eruption
by the rescue workers from their homes.
D. shake
B. evacuated
is an overflowing of a large amount of water.
B. flood
A. abandoned
C. left
D. kept
16. A
A. drought
17. A dangerous wind that forms itself into an upside-down cone is called a
A. typhoon
C. eruption
D. rainstorm
B. hurricane
C. tornado
D. tsunami
are in desperate need of help.
B. survivors
18. The tsunami
A. rescuers
C. firefighters
D. volunteers
19. The earthquake caused loss of life and property
2 trả lời
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Ngọc Hiển
08/02/2022 12:37:17
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08/02/2022 12:43:21
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II. Choose the best option to complete each sentence.

Bạn hỏi - Lazi trả lời

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