Bài tập  /  Bài đang cần trả lời

Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
12/03/2022 21:30:33

Viết lại câu

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Finish the second sent
es so that It nasS a simllar
the Ilrs t one.
33. He is such a slow speaker that his students get bored.
->He speaks....
34. If you tried better, you could win the contest. < Were
35/Organizations like Greenpeace are giving people leaflets about what to do to protect the environment.
36. His short story will win first place in the writing competition. He is confident about it. tin
->He is.Lenyident ibat his shent
Sempeti tion
37. Romeo and Juliet were lovers. Their parents hated each other (whose)
38. People in the world don't speak the same language, so there are problems in communication. (If) loai
Xu thinz9. Ancient people thought that the stars would fall on the ground. (It)
.. . .
40. I quite like drinking coffee in the morning although I wasn't keen on it when I was younger. (didn't use)
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Minh Nguyệt
12/03/2022 22:01:17
+5đ tặng
33. He speaks slowly that his.....
34. Were you to try better, you could.....
38. If people in the world spoke the same language, there would be problemd in communications
40. I didn't use to drink coffee in the morning when I was young

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