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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 6
29/03/2022 14:29:45

Read the information about King Henry V. Write a paragraph about him. Write 50 to 60 words

I. Read the information about King Henry V. Write a paragraph about him.  Write 50 to 60 words.

l Movie: Henry v

l About: Henry V, famous king of England

l King: became king 1413

l General: beat the French army at the battle of Agincourt, 14 15

l Movie: interesting, exciting

l Acting: great






2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
29/03/2022 14:30:43
+5đ tặng
Henry V is famous king of England in 1413 . Henry succeeded his father on March 21, 1413 . He was son of Henry IV . Henry V achieved many resounding victories in the Hundred Years' War with France . He made England one of the strongest kingdoms in Europe . Because England wanted to remember him, a movie was released with his appearance . Henry’s character is by no means wholly admirable. Hard and domineering, he was intolerant of opposition and could be ruthless and cruel in pursuit of his policy .  His lack of chivalrous qualities deprives him of any claim to be regarded as “the typical medieval hero.” . But for some, he's still England's hero . The movie is so interesting and exciting . The actors act great . I love the movie . 

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Henry V is famous king of England in 1413 . Henry succeeded his father on March 21, 1413 . He was son of Henry IV . Henry V achieved many resounding victories in the Hundred Years' War with France . He made England one of the strongest kingdoms in Europe . Because England wanted to remember him, a movie was released with his appearance . Henry’s character is by no means wholly admirable. Hard and domineering, he was intolerant of opposition and could be ruthless and cruel in pursuit of his policy .  His lack of chivalrous qualities deprives him of any claim to be regarded as “the typical medieval hero.” . But for some, he's still England's hero . The movie is so interesting and exciting . The actors act great . I love the movie . 

Bạn hỏi - Lazi trả lời

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