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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
11/03/2023 21:29:16

Rewrite the sentence

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
5. We keep meeting accidentally, don't we? RUNNING
→ We are
6. Apart from their age, they are two absolutely different people. COMMON
→The two of
can have nothi
apart from their age.
7. She may seem quiet and reserved but her music is bursting with strong emotions. HOWEVER
_, her music is bursting with emotions.
8. Plastic is such an integral product for convenience in our daily lives that we simply take it for granted.
→ We seldom
since it is such an integral product
for convenience in our daily lives.
9. The artist often tells his students that freedom, not money, is the meaning of success. SO MUCH
The artist often tells his students that success is not
to get separated.
Part 6. Error Identification and Correction (5 pts)
Identify the five mistakes in the following passage and correct them.
as we grew old.
other, aren't we?
10. Even though we tried to follow Peter and Bob as closely as we could, we soon got separated. LONG
We tried to follow Peter and Bob as closely as we could but it
To tip or not to tip, that is the question. And there is the one that causes British tourists more
moments of embarrassment than almost any other issue. Furthermore, a handful of London's
top hotels have come up with a cunning solution to spare the blushes. They've started adding a
discretionary service charge for guests' bills. Despite the hotels insisting that the charge in
optional, it is, in fact, disingenuous. We may make tipping embarrassing, but it's far more
embarrassing to stand at a reception desk and demanding that the charge should be removed
from the bill.
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Quỳnh Anh
11/03/2023 21:33:42
+5đ tặng

5. We keep meeting accidentally, don't we? RUNNING → We are constantly running into each other, aren't we?

  1. Apart from their age, they are two absolutely different people. COMMON →The two of them have nothing in common apart from their age.
  2. She may seem quiet and reserved but her music is bursting with strong emotions. HOWEVER →However quiet and reserved she may seem, her music is bursting with strong emotions.
  3. Plastic is such an integral product for convenience in our daily lives that we simply take it for granted. PAUSE →We seldom pause to consider the importance of plastic since it is such an integral product in our daily lives.
  4. The artist often tells his students that freedom, not money, is the meaning of success. SO MUCH The artist often tells his students that success is not so much about money, but about freedom.

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