16. That solar power plant isn't supplying our commune with enough energy.
17. Mrs. Brown does not do many household duties, she just shops for groceries.
18. Housework has traditionally been regarded as women's work.
19. The school uses a combination of modern and traditional methods for teaching reading.
20. Thanks to her advice, I can overcome difficulties in my life.
21. These students take care of the old and the sick voluntarily, and I appreciate this.
22. The work of the charity is funded by voluntary donations.
23. Nowadays nearly every university in Vietnam has a volunteer group.
24. If you become one of the volunteers at our school, you will find that it is a difficult job but you will have valuable firsthand experience.
25. By bringing happiness to other people, you will be happy too.
26. One area that the organization particularly focuses on is education.
27. The purpose of this program is to provide education for homeless and disadvantaged children.
28. If you're too trusting, other people will take advantage of you.
29. The new law allows school districts to spend more money on less advantaged children.