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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
26/06/2023 21:51:04

Read the following passage

Read the following passage. For each of the questions from 21 to 25, write T if the statement is TRUE, F if the statement is FALSE and NI if there is NO INFORMATION on it. 

Girl Scouts of the USA is the largest organization for girls in the world. Juliette "Daisy" Gordon Low organized the first group of Girl Scouts on March 12th, 1912. She wanted to give girls the opportunity to get out of the house and help their community. Girl Scouts of the USA started with 18 members. Today, there are about 2.5 million girl and adult members worldwide. The girls work on a variety of projects. Simple projects may involve sewing, or collecting toys for kids who live in shelters. Other community services for older girls includes volunteering at a soup kitchen, planting trees, doing car washes or cleaning up litter in their community. Girl Scouts is famous for raising money by selling delicious Girl Scout cookies. The girls bake cookies at home with their mums volunteering as an advisor. The organization believes that selling cookies helps Girl Scouts practice life skills like teamwork and money management. When they complete goals, they earn badges for their work which they wear on their sashes.

21. There were 18 girls joining the first Girl Scouts group.                                             

22. Girl Scouts members do different community services.                                            

23. To raise money, the girls sell cookies that their mothers make.                               

24. Girl Scouts raised a lot of money by selling cookies.                                                

25. After finishing one goal, the girls receive a sash.                                                       

4 trả lời
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Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
21. T
22. T
23. F
24. T
25. T
Ng Nhật Linhh
26/06/2023 21:51:44
+5đ tặng
  1. F
  2. T
  3. T
  4. F
  5. F

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Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
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Trần Nguyễn
26/06/2023 21:53:46
+4đ tặng
21. True. The passage states that Girl Scouts of the USA started with 18 members.

22. True. The passage mentions that Girl Scouts work on a variety of projects and participate in community services.

23. False. The passage states that the girls bake cookies at home, but it does not specify that their mothers make the cookies.

24. True. The passage mentions that Girl Scouts is famous for raising money by selling delicious Girl Scout cookies.

25. False. The passage mentions that when the girls complete goals, they earn badges for their work, which they wear on their sashes. However, it does not explicitly state that they receive a sash after finishing one goal.
26/06/2023 21:53:59
+3đ tặng

21. There were 18 girls joining the first Girl Scouts group.  F                                           

22. Girl Scouts members do different community services.  T                                          

23. To raise money, the girls sell cookies that their mothers make.   T                            

24. Girl Scouts raised a lot of money by selling cookies.  F                                              

25. After finishing one goal, the girls receive a sash.      F                                                

Phạm Tuyên
27/06/2023 20:32:52
+2đ tặng

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