----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
A. should you have
D. ne
C. could you have
89. Jim's aunt bought him books on astronomy and football, ..... he had the lightest interest
A. either of whom
C. neither of what
90. He tiptoed into the room.... waken his mother.
A. so as not to
C. so as to
91. Descriptive analysis of language merely reflects.... used without concern for the social
prestige of these structures.
B. neither of which
D. either of that
92. Originally, the first European colleges consisted of groups of individuals ......
efforts to study sciences, medicine, and law.
A. it how grammar structures an vocabulary is
B. how are grammar structures and vocabulary
C. how grammar structures and vocabulary are
D. it is how grammar structures and vocabulary are
A. who lived together and
B. whose life together and
C. and who lived together
D. whose living together and
B. in order to
D. in order not to
A. that possible it is listen
B. what is possible to listen to it
C. that it is possible to listen
D. that it is possible to listen
This booklet tells you ..........
Some language experts might say ..... to a person speaking a language one does not
understand and still determine whether the speaker is excited or exhausted, angry, or
.. joined their
A. which are travel agencies to avoid
B. which travel agencies to avoid
C. which travel agencies are to void
D. the travel agencies which to avoid
...... when I realized I had left my wallet home.
A. Scarcely had I entered the supermarket
B. Scarcely I had entered the supermarket
C. No sooner had I entered the supermarket
D. No sooner I had entered the supermarket
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