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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 6
11/08/2023 16:07:42

Rewrite correctly. Change the words or phrases in bold

C.Rewrite correctly. Change the words or phrases in bold. 

1 Are top musicians studying for many years? 

2 What's going on? I hope you don't touch my things! 

3 It's a small business, so each person is doing lots of different jobs. 

4 Does Christine listen to the radio, or is that the TV I can hear? 

5 I am usually buying a special ticket each week for the bus because it's cheaper. 

6 Our washing machine starts when you press this button. 

7 How's the match going? Does our team win? 

8 Many people are enjoying spending time on the beach on holiday. 

3 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
1. Do top musicians study for many years?
2. What is happening? I hope you do not touch my belongings!
3. It is a small business, so each individual is performing various tasks.
4. Is Christine listening to the radio, or is that the TV I can hear?
5. I usually purchase a special ticket each week for the bus because it is more affordable.
6. Our washing machine starts when you press this button.
7. How is the match progressing? Is our team winning?
8. Many individuals are enjoying their time on the beach during their vacation.
Tr Hải
11/08/2023 16:08:02
+5đ tặng

1 Have top musician been studying

2 don't touch => not to touch

3 is doing => does

4 does christine listen => Is christine listening

5 I am usually buying => I usually buy

6 is starting => will start

7 Does you team win => Are your team winning

8 are enjoying => enjoy

Mở khóa để xem toàn bộ nội dung trả lời

Bạn đã đạt đến giới hạn của mình. Bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản, bạn có thể xem toàn bộ nội dung trả lời
Cải thiện điểm số của bạn bằng cách đăng ký tài khoản Lazi.
Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
Tôi đã có tài khoản? Đăng nhập
Bảo Anh
11/08/2023 16:08:21
+4đ tặng

1. Have top musicians studying for many years?

2. What’s going on? I hope you aren't touch my things!

3. It’s small business, so each person does lots of different jobs.

4. Is christine listen to the radio, or is that the tv i can hear?

5. I am usually buy a special ticket each week for the bus because it’s cheaper.

6. Our wasing machine will start when you press this button.

7. How’s the match going? Did our team win?

8. Many people enjoy spending time on the beach on holiday

Thu Giang
11/08/2023 18:31:22
+3đ tặng

1 Are top musicians studying for many years? 
 Have top musicians studying for many years?
2 What's going on? I hope you don't touch my things! 
 What’s going on? I hope you aren't touch my things!

3 It's a small business, so each person is doing lots of different jobs. 
It’s small business, so each person does lots of different jobs.

4 Does Christine listen to the radio, or is that the TV I can hear? 
Is christine listen to the radio, or is that the tv i can hear?

5 I am usually buying a special ticket each week for the bus because it's cheaper. 
 I am usually buy a special ticket each week for the bus because it’s cheaper.

6 Our washing machine starts when you press this button. 
Our wasing machine will start when you press this button.

7 How's the match going? Does our team win? 
 How’s the match going? Did our team win?

Bạn hỏi - Lazi trả lời

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