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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 6
31/12/2023 08:14:54

Choose the word/ phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence

Choose the word/ phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence.

1. Is Peter's car in his __________?

A. garage B. swimming pool C. river D. market

2. What __________ activity do you like? – I like playing golf.

A. outdoor B. door to door C. next door D. indoor

3. Today I am wearing __________ because it’s hot and sunny.

A. scarfs B. hat C. sweaters D. jacket

4. We’re having __________ in our garden on the weekend. I like chicken best.

A. video games B. badminton C. a barbecue D. picnic

5. Her favorite __________ at school is English

A. subject B. sport C. food D. color

6. Would you like __________ a movie on Sunday?

A. seeing B. to see C. see D. sees

7. Minh: “What does your mother do? “Nga: “__________”

A. She does the laundry B. She is a nurse

C. She can cook D. She’s tall

8. My brother is very helpful. He __________ helps me with my homework.

A. never B. rarely C. always D. sometimes

9. “Do you ever play video games?”-“ __________.”

A. Yes, sometimes B. That is a book C. I’m Jane D. Good bye

10. The Thai restaurant is__________56 Duy Tan street.

A. on B. at C. between D. in
2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Bùi Quyết Tiến
31/12/2023 08:16:41
+5đ tặng
  1. The correct answer is A. garage. Peter’s car is most likely parked in his garage.
  2. The correct answer is A. outdoor. The question asks about a preferred outdoor activity, and the response mentions playing golf, which is an outdoor sport.
  3. The correct answer is D. jacket. The sentence mentions that it is hot and sunny, so wearing a jacket would not be suitable. The other options (scarfs, hat, sweaters) are not appropriate for hot weather.
  4. The correct answer is C. a barbecue. The sentence mentions having something in the garden, and the preferred food is chicken, which is commonly cooked on a barbecue.
  5. The correct answer is A. subject. The sentence mentions her favorite thing at school, and English is a subject taught in schools.
  6. The correct answer is B. to see. The sentence is asking if the person would like to see a movie on Sunday, so the infinitive form “to see” is appropriate.
  7. The correct answer is B. She is a nurse. The question asks about the mother’s occupation, and the response states that she is a nurse.
  8. The correct answer is C. always. The sentence mentions that the brother is very helpful and always helps with homework, indicating a consistent behavior.
  9. The correct answer is A. Yes, sometimes. The question asks if the person ever plays video games, and the response states that they do so sometimes.
  10. The correct answer is A. on. The sentence mentions the Thai restaurant’s location on Duy Tan street, indicating that it is situated on that street

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Lam Sí
31/12/2023 08:17:07
+4đ tặng

Choose the word/ phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence.

1 - A; 2 - A; 3 - B; 4 - C; 5 - A;

6 - B; 7 - B; 8 - C; 9 - A; 10 - B;

Bạn hỏi - Lazi trả lời

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