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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 6
31/12/2023 11:15:46

Write a short story about my house

Write a short story about my house.
1 trả lời
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Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
Once upon a time, nestled in a quaint little town, stood a house that seemed to hold a story of its own. It was a charming two-story cottage, painted in a soft shade of lavender, with a white picket fence that encircled its perfectly manicured garden. The house had a magical aura about it, as if it had witnessed countless tales unfold within its walls.

The house belonged to a young woman named Lily, who had inherited it from her grandmother. Lily had always been captivated by the house's enchanting beauty and the stories her grandmother used to tell her about its past. She cherished the memories of her childhood spent exploring every nook and cranny, imagining herself as the heroine of her own fairy tale.

As she grew older, Lily decided to restore the house to its former glory. With the help of skilled craftsmen, she carefully renovated each room, preserving the house's original charm while adding her own personal touch. The creaking wooden floors were polished to perfection, and the stained glass windows were lovingly restored to their vibrant colors, casting a kaleidoscope of light across the rooms.

One particular room held a special place in Lily's heart—the attic. It was a treasure trove of forgotten memories, filled with dusty trunks and old photographs. Among the relics, she discovered a worn-out journal that belonged to her great-grandmother, Rose. The journal contained tales of love, heartbreak, and resilience, painting a vivid picture of the house's history.

Lily became obsessed with uncovering the secrets hidden within the journal's pages. She spent countless nights poring over its contents, immersing herself in the lives of her ancestors. The stories transported her to a different era, where she could almost hear the laughter and whispers echoing through the house.

One stormy evening, as Lily sat by the fireplace, engrossed in Rose's journal, she noticed a flickering light outside the window. Curiosity piqued, she ventured into the garden, following the ethereal glow. To her astonishment, she discovered a hidden door at the base of an ancient oak tree. With trembling hands, she turned the rusty key she found in her pocket and stepped into a world she never knew existed.

The door led to a secret garden, bathed in moonlight and filled with vibrant flowers that seemed to dance in the gentle breeze. The air was thick with magic, and Lily felt as if she had stepped into a dream. She explored the garden, marveling at its beauty and wondering how it had remained hidden for so long.

As the years passed, Lily's house became a haven for dreamers and storytellers. People from far and wide would visit, drawn by the house's enchantment and the tales it held within its walls. Lily, now an old woman, would sit on the porch, sharing stories of her own and passing down the legacy of the house to the next generation.

And so, the house continued to stand, a testament to the power of stories and the magic that lies within the walls of a home. It whispered tales of love, resilience, and the beauty of dreams, reminding all who entered that sometimes, the most extraordinary stories are found in the most ordinary of places.
Lê Lâm
31/12/2023 13:56:00
+5đ tặng
A short story about my house: I had always thought that my life was normal, my family was normal, and my house was normal--until that one day. That was when my whole life turned upside down. “Bam!” all the books fell down. I looked at the empty bookshelf. Suddenly, I heard a sound O and the bookshelf started to open as if was a door. I was intrigued to see what was inside. I started S to walk in when suddenly, “Creak,” the door shut behind me! ‘No! This can’t be happening! How O am I supposed to get out? Also, why does it feel like I’m in a movie?’ I thought. I figured I would find something out so I fearfully started to walk down the long hallway. It was all dark, full of cobwebs and dust, but I didn’t let that stop me. After what it felt to be an H eternity,I arrived at a mysterious and peculiar stairway. The staircase groaned as I walked on P them. At last, I made it into a dark room. I looked around the dim room. Only some candles were the source of light in this dusky room. Suddenly, I saw my parents mumbling some kind of words under their mouth. I soon came to a realization that they were performing of kind of magic. I ran out of there as fast as my little legs could carry me. “My parents are witches and wizards, my parents are witches and wizards, my parents are witches and wizards,” I mumbled over and over again as I ran out of the passageway. Managing to open the door, I started to pack my things. I figured that I could stay at my friend’s house while I figure everything out. I was a scared bunny on the loose. M After a while, I arrived at my friend’s house, my face looking pale and terrified. My friend was very curious why my face was what it was like.

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