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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 10
26/03 21:11:56

Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành câu

1. You should …………. how much time you need for each task and always do one thing at a time.
A. devote B. decide C. develop D. deduce
2. ……………….. independent is not as challenging as some people may think.
A. become B. becomes C. becoming D. becomeing
3. What do they do if the task they are working ………….. is too difficult?
A. on B. with C. out D. over
4. If you plan to go to university, you …………… study hard to get good grades.
A. must B. might C. should D. need
5. Do English teenagers learn to become independent in the same way …………… Vietnamese teenagers?
A. to B. with C. like D. as
6. Would you please kindly give me some advice on how to ……………. my goals?
A. have B. set C. make D. take
7. Can you choose a life skill that teenagers need to …………. in order to become more independent?
A. manage B. foster C. develop D. pursue
8. George learned how to cook by himself …………. he was at university in London.
A. when B. where C. what D. who
9. It helps to set clear rules, give teenagers responsibility, and build decision- ………….. skills.
A. doing B. giving C. taking D. making 
10. What skills do you think you will definitely …………… while studying abroad?
A. achieve B. gain C. collect D. obtain
2 trả lời
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Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
1. A. devote
2. A. become
3. A. on
4. C. should
5. D. as
6. B. set
7. C. develop
8. A. when
9. D. making
10. B. gain
Linh xg
26/03 21:12:22
+5đ tặng

1. A. devote
2. C. becoming
3. A. on
4. C. should
5. D. as
6. B. set
7. C. develop
8. A. when
9. D. making
10. B. gain

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Quỳnh Anh
26/03 21:12:34
+4đ tặng
1. "You should devote how much time - " Ở đây, The best option cho "how much time" được devotes (dành, bỏ ra) để làm mỗi nhiêm vụ là ’decide’ [B], vì nó đúng về mặt ngữ nghĩa (bạn nên quyết định thời gian bạn cần để thực hiện mỗi tác vụ).

2. "Becoming independent is...": Đây đơn giản là cú pháp chính xác cần ‘becoming’ [C].

3. Casual classroom English phrasing would typically be "...working on is too difficult" do đó chúng ta sẽ chọn [A].

4. Similarly the appropriate option for "You____study hard.." is must [A] according to the context.

5. "Do English teenagers learn to become independent in the same way as Vietnamese teenagers?": according to the sentence structure, 'as' [D] is the most fitting option.

6. Hướng dẫn có thể bao gồm cách ‘set’ [B] goals mà không phải hoạch định cho mục tiêu (have/make/take).

7. "Teenagers need to ___": The best indicative option here is [C] develop life skills, not manage or foster, or chase after their independence.

8. "George learned how to cook by himself ___ he was at university in London.": 'When' [A] he was... is a useable memory characteristic that correctly fills the sentence.

9. "It helps to ___..decision skills." Commensurable with the context, making [D] occurs conjointly with decisions skills not with taking, giving, or doing things.

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