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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 9
31/03 08:55:13

Fill each gap with one word

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
IV. Fill each gap with one word
Journalism has undergone some profound changes over the last few decades with the advantage of digital technology and
the growth of online news publications and fact, some people believe that the very existence of newspapers hangs in the (..1..)
and that some media organizations will survive only (..2..) they are able to adapt and make the (..3..) of recent technological
developments. One way in (..4..) this might be possible is for news organizations to use so-called 'Robo-journalists'. These are
systems devised to collect data, search for key information and then collate it. Algorithms already exist that can, for example,
create a report of a football match. In (..5..) to recording the score, the system can find relevant quotes from players and
coaches, single (..6..) a photo of the key moment of the match and even generate an appropriate headline for the article. For
the time (..7..), computer programs may not be able to successfully judge a story's newsworthiness or even to produce flawless
articles, but it may only be a (..8..) of time before technology can do much of a traditional journalist's job.
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
31/03 09:08:19
+5đ tặng
Journalism has undergone some profound changes over the last few decades with the advantage of digital technology and the growth of online news publications. In fact, some people believe that the very existence of newspapers hangs in the balance and that some media organizations will survive only if they are able to adapt and make the most of recent technological developments. One way in which this might be possible is for news organizations to use so-called 'Robo-journalists'. These are systems devised to collect data, search for key information, and then collate it. Algorithms already exist that can, for example, create a report of a football match. In addition to recording the score, the system can find relevant quotes from players and coaches, single out a photo of the key moment of the match, and even generate an appropriate headline for the article. For the time being, computer programs may not be able to successfully judge a story's newsworthiness or even to produce flawless articles, but it may only be a matter of time before technology can do much of a traditional journalist's job.

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