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Tiếng Việt - Lớp 5
03/04 22:02:28

Choose the best answer to fill in the blank

II. Choose the best answer to fill in the blank:
Question 6. If you have a husband or wife, you are _____________.
A. single B. married C. widowed D. separated
Question 7. If you are not tall or short, you are of ___________.
A. slim B. thin C. medium height D. overweight
Question 8. I get _______ every summer from flowers and grass.
A. sneeze B. asthma C. hay fever D. headache
Question 9. In some countries, mosquitoes can give people _______.
A. malaria B. cholera C. heart attack D. cancer
Question 10. My trousers are too big. I have to wear a _______.
A. hat B. belt C. shoe D. scarf
Question 11. The area ______ by families with small children.
A. mainly populates B. is mainly populated
C. has mainly populated D. mainly populated
Question 12. Who are those people? Why are you looking at________?
A. their B. themselves C. them D. theirs
Question 13. A story-telling competition _______ by our school every year.
A. organizes B. was organized C. is organized D. organized
Question 14. If the weather _____ worse, we won’t go to the beach.
A. gets B. will get C. got D. would get
Question 15. I have a sister but______ brothers.


Full name: ................................................
Class: .........................................................


NSHN, Ngày: ........................... 2024


A. any B. no C. some D. none
Question 16. I ________a letter to my best friend last night.
A. wrote B. am writing C. write D. will write
Question 17. All the plants and flowers in the garden ________ by my dad every day.
A. are watered B. watered C. were watering D. will water
Question 18. Unless she _____ (study) hard, she won’t pass the exam.
A. studied B. studies C. study D. had studied
Question 19. At home, the kitchen was a pleasant place. There were always ____ flowers in
a vase.
A. few B. a few C. little D. a little
Question 20. Unless you study hard, you’ll fail the next exam.
A. If you don’t study hard, you fail the next exam.
B. If you study hard, you’ll not pass the next exam.
C. If you doesn’t study hard, you pass the next exam.
D. If you don’t study hard, you’ll not pass the next exam.
Question 21. Soldiers must have been ______ to face danger.
A. so courageous enough B. courageous enough
C. such enough courage D. enough courage
Question 22. The black and white dog________ sitting under the tree at the moment.
A. are B. were C. is D. was
Question 23. Joanna often______ playing the piano in her room.
A. practices B. will practice C. practice D. practicing
Question 24. Mary _______in this house since 1978.
A. lived B. lives C. has lived D. is living
Question 25. Janet wants to_________ a phone call to her family.
A. do B. put C. make D. have
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
03/04 22:02:49
+5đ tặng
Question 6. B. married

Question 7. C. medium height

Question 8. C. hay fever

Question 9. A. malaria

Question 10. B. belt

Question 11. B. is mainly populated

Question 12. C. them

Question 13. C. is organized

Question 14. A. gets

Question 15. B. no

Question 16. A. wrote

Question 17. A. are watered

Question 18. B. studies

Question 19. B. a few

Question 20. D. If you don’t study hard, you’ll not pass the next exam.

Question 21. B. courageous enough

Question 22. C. is

Question 23. A. practices

Question 24. C. has lived

Question 25. C. make

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