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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 6
13/04 20:50:10

I will tell you if you ask me

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
7. I will tell you if you ask me.
8. Unless I don't have enough money, I won't buy a car.
9. Don't forget your watch or we miss the plane.
10. I won't bring my credit card, so I don't buy anything at the mail.
11. If you ask Tom for the car, he would lend it to you.
12. Don't miss the party or you will not have another chance to meet
your friends.
13. If he will train every day, he will be a good runner.
14. Leave home early so you will miss the bus.
15. If Mary's operation tomorrow fails, she will never be able to
walk again.
Task 1. Match the two halves of these conditional sentences. Then pr
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Linh xg
13/04 20:50:50
+5đ tặng
  1. I will tell you if you ask me. (Correct)
  2. Unless I don't have enough money, I won't buy a car. (Corrected: Unless I don't have enough money, I won't buy a car.)
  3. Don't forget your watch or we miss the plane. (Corrected: Don't forget your watch or we will miss the plane.)
  4. I won't bring my credit card, so I don't buy anything at the mail. (Corrected: I won't bring my credit card, so I won't buy anything at the mall.)
  5. If you ask Tom for the car, he would lend it to you. (Corrected: If you ask Tom for the car, he will lend it to you.)
  6. Don't miss the party or you will not have another chance to meet your friends. (Correct)
  7. If he will train every day, he will be a good runner. (Corrected: If he trains every day, he will be a good runner.)
  8. Leave home early so you will miss the bus. (Corrected: Leave home early so you won't miss the bus.)
  9. If Mary's operation tomorrow fails, she will never be able to walk again. (Correct)

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