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Answer the questions: Which connector can be used to introduce an example? Which of the following is the best topic sentence of the topic

Question 1
Which connector can be used to introduce an example?
A. on the other hand
B. for instance
C. moreover
D. in addition
Question 2
Which of the following is the best topic sentence of the topic: Studying in a foreign country can bring benefits?
A. Going abroad has several main benefits than studying at home.
B. Studying abroad has a lot of main benefits.
C. Studying abroad has two main benefits of getting a better job when returning home country and gainning the independence.
D. Going abroad has two benefits of getting a better job.
Question 3
A paragraph often closes with …….. .
A. the first main point
B. a comment
C. a topic sentence
D. a concluding sentence
Question 4
Which of the following connectors can be used to introduce an additional idea?
A. therefore
B. furthermore
C. however
D. since
Question 5
How many major structural parts does a paragraph include?
A. 3
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
Question 6
There are……… ways to achieve coherence.
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 7

Question 7

In a paragraph, what does a concluding sentence function?

A. It opens the paragraph.

B. It develops the ideas for the paragraph.

C. It summarizes the main points of the paragraph.

D. It does nothing – just to make the paragraph more interesting.

Question 8

A topic sentence should give…………. of a paragraph.

A. a fact

B. the most general idea

C. an explanation

D. an example

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Question 9

An opinion paragraph can………………………….

A. summarize a film

B. narrate a story

C. express the writer's opinion about a topic

D. give a definition

Question 10  

A narrative paragraph gives background information………….

A. in the opening sentence(s)

B. in the concluding sentence(s)

C. in the middle of the paragraph

D. in the opening sentence(s) and in the concluding sentence(s)

Question 11

 Which word can be used to signal the end of a paragraph?

A. also

B. indeed

C. however

D. in addition

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Question 12  Unity means that you discuss ………….main idea(s) in a paragraph.

A. one

B. three

C. up to 4

D. As many as possible

Question 13

A paragraph often opens with …………

A. the first main point

B. a comment

C. a topic sentence

D. a concluding sentence

Question 14

Brainstorming is ……………..

A. writing a topic

B. making a simple outline

C. writing controlling ideas

D. quickly writing down all the thoughts that come into your head

Question 15

A topic sentence should be……………….

A. a phrase

B. a noun clause

C. a fact

D. a complete sentence

Question 16

‘However’ or ‘In contrast’ is used to introduce………..

A. a choice

B. an additional idea

C. an opposite idea

D. a result

Question 17

Which connector can be used to introduce a choice or alternative?

A. on the other hand

B. otherwise

C. moreover

D. in addition

Question 18

Which of the following connectors can be used to introduce a conclusion or summary?

A. additionally

B. furthermore

C. however

D. in short

Question 19

How can the writer make his/her paragraph coherent?

A. repeating key nouns

B. using a lot of pronouns

C. using too many transitional signals

D. repeating verbs

Question 20

A process analysis paragraph should ……………

A. explain a sequence or process

B. tell a story

C. describe a film

D. express an opinion

Question 21

Which of the following connectors can be used to connect the second idea of a paragraph?

A. Secondly

B. To begin with

C. Firstly

D. In one word

Question 22

In a paragraph, what does a concluding sentence function?

A. It opens the paragraph.

B. It develops the ideas for the paragraph.

C. It signals the end of the paragraph.

D. It does nothing – just to make the paragraph more interesting.

Question 23

What is the “equivalent rule” in making an outline?

A. ideas that have the same kind of letter or number must have equal value

B. ideas that have different kinds of letter or number must have equal value

C. ideas that have the same kind of letter or number must have different values

D. ideas of similar levels of importance must have different kinds of letter or number

Question 24

What is the “parallel rule” in making an outline?

A. All ideas with the same kind of letter or number should have the same grammatical form.

B. All ideas that have different kinds of letter or number must have the same grammatical form.

C. All ideas that have the same kind of letter or number must have different grammatical form.

D. All ideas of similar levels of importance must have different grammatical forms.

Question 25

Which of the following transition words/phrases can be used to show contrasting relationship?

A. The reason why

B. The dilemma is

C. If - then

D. In contrast

Question 26

A narrative paragraph can ………………………….

A. express the writer's opinion about the topic

B. narrate a story

C. describe a person

D. give a definition

Question 27

‘In conclusion’ or ‘In brief’ is used to introduce………..

A. a choice

B. an additional idea

C. a result

D. a conclusion or summary

Question 28

The title of a paragraph …………………………

A. tells the reader what the topic of the paragraph is

B. tells the reader what the example of the paragraph is

C. tells the reader what the result of the paragraph is

D. tells the reader what the supporting idea of the paragraph is

Question 29

The first step in writing a paragraph is ………….

A. writing a draft

B. adding traditional signals

C. brainstorming

D. planning

Question 30

Good supporting sentences give information that ………………….

A. gives final comments of the paragraph

B. summarizes the main idea of the paragraph

C. gives the main idea of the paragraph

D. supports and explains the topic of the paragraph

Question 31

An definition paragraph can…………………………. .

A. summarize a book

B. narrate a story

C. make the definition of something or someone clearer to the readers

D. express the writer's opinion about a topic

Question 32

What type of adjective can be often seen in a descriptive paragraph?

A. possesssive

B. negative

C. sensory

D. positive

Question 33

Which of the following sentences is CORRECT?

A. Every good paragraph has a topic sentence.

B. The topic sentence clearly states the controlling idea(s) of the topic only.

C. The topic sentence must always be the first sentence in the paragraph.

D. The topic sentence of a paragraph can be an incomplete sentence.

Question 34

‘Consequently’ or ‘Hence’ is used to introduce………..

A. a choice

B. an additional idea

C. an opposite idea

D. a result

Question 35

Which of the following does this topic sentence “Finding a nice roommate will never be a challenge if you keep following these directions.” match?

A. Process paragraph

B. Narrative paragraph

C. Descriptive paragraph

D. Opinion paragraph

Question 36

Choose the most corrected version of grammar or writing mistakes in the following sentence:“If a student has already develop good study habits studying at higher level of education will not be difficult.”

A. If a student has already developed good study habits studying at higher education will not be difficult.

B. If a student has already developed good study habits, studying at higher education will not be difficult.

C. A student has already developed good study habits if studying at higher education will not be difficult.

D. If a student has already develop good study habits, studying at higher education will not be difficult.

Question 37

Which of the following does this topic sentence “The happiest day of my life is when I got my first job in a restaurant last year.” match?

A. Process paragraph

B. Narrative paragraph

C. Descriptive paragraph

D. Opinion paragraph

Question 38

What can the writer do to make his/her paragraph coherent?

A. repeat key nouns frequently

B. use a lot of pronouns

C. employ too many transitional signals

D. vary different types of verbs

Question 39

Choose the most corrected version of grammar or writing mistakes in the following sentence:“Cook is never my favourite activity, I am not good making food dishes.”

A. Cooking is never my favourite activity, for I am not good at making food dishes.

B. Cook is never my favourite activity for I am not good at making food dishes.

C. Cooking is never my favourite activity, I am not good making food dishes.

D. Cooking is never my favourite activity: I am not good making food dishes.

Question 40

Which of the following is the best topic sentence of the topic: “Should fathers help equally at home? Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons and examples to support your opinion.”

A. For me, fathers should help their wives equally at home.

B. To make their wives happier and less stressed, I think fathers should help the female parents equally at home.

C. I think fathers should share equally at home and at work.

D. In my opinion, fathers do not need to share housework with their wives equally.

5 trả lời
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Answer Key:

Question 1: B. for instance

Question 2: C. Studying abroad has two main benefits of getting a better job when returning home country and gaining the independence.

Question 3: D. a concluding sentence

Question 4: B. furthermore

Question 5: A. 3

Question 6: B. 4

Question 7: C. It summarizes the main points of the paragraph.

Question 8: B. the most general idea

Question 9: C. express the writer's opinion about a topic

Question 10: A. in the opening sentence(s)

Question 11: B. indeed

Question 12: A. one

Question 13: C. a topic sentence

Question 14: D. quickly writing down all the thoughts that come into your head

Question 15: D. a complete sentence

Question 16: C. an opposite idea

Question 17: B. otherwise

Question 18: D. in short

Question 19: A. repeating key nouns

Question 20: A. explain a sequence or process

Question 21: A. Secondly

Question 22: C. It signals the end of the paragraph.

Question 23: A. ideas that have the same kind of letter or number must have equal value

Question 24: A. All ideas with the same kind of letter or number should have the same grammatical form.

Question 25: D. In contrast

Question 26: B. narrate a story

Question 27: D. a conclusion or summary

Question 28: A. tells the reader what the topic of the paragraph is

Question 29: C. brainstorming

Question 30: D. supports and explains the topic of the paragraph

Question 31: C. make the definition of something or someone clearer to the readers

Question 32: C. sensory

Question 33: A. Every good paragraph has a topic sentence.

Question 34: D. a result

Question 35: A. Process paragraph

Question 36: B. If a student has already developed good study habits, studying at higher education will not be difficult.

Question 37: B. Narrative paragraph

Question 38: A. repeat key nouns frequently

Question 39: A. Cooking is never my favourite activity, for I am not good at making food dishes.

Question 40: B. To make their wives happier and less stressed, I think fathers should help the female parents equally at home.

Quang Cường
02/06 21:36:02
+5đ tặng
  1. B. for instance (Introduces an example)
  2. C. Studying abroad has two main benefits of getting a better job when returning home country and gaining the independence. (Best topic sentence for the benefits of studying in a foreign country)
  3. D. a concluding sentence (Closes a paragraph)
  4. B. furthermore (Introduces an additional idea)
  5. A. 3 (Major structural parts of a paragraph)
  6. B. 4 (Ways to achieve coherence)
  7. C. It summarizes the main points of the paragraph. (Function of a concluding sentence)
  8. B. the most general idea (What a topic sentence should give)
  9. C. express the writer's opinion about a topic (What an opinion paragraph can do)
  10. A. in the opening sentence(s) (Where a narrative paragraph gives background information)
  11. B. indeed (Word used to signal the end of a paragraph)
  12. A. one (Unity in a paragraph means discussing one main idea)
  13. C. a topic sentence (What a paragraph often opens with)
  14. D. quickly writing down all the thoughts that come into your head (Definition of brainstorming)
  15. D. a complete sentence (What a topic sentence should be)
  16. C. an opposite idea (What ‘However’ or ‘In contrast’ is used to introduce)
  17. B. otherwise (Connector used to introduce a choice or alternative)
  18. D. in short (Connector used to introduce a conclusion or summary)
  19. A. repeating key nouns (How to make a paragraph coherent)
  20. A. explain a sequence or process (What a process analysis paragraph should do)
  21. A. Secondly (Connector for the second idea in a paragraph)
  22. C. It signals the end of the paragraph. (Function of a concluding sentence)
  23. A. ideas that have the same kind of letter or number must have equal value (Equivalent rule in making an outline)
  24. A. All ideas with the same kind of letter or number should have the same grammatical form. (Parallel rule in making an outline)
  25. D. In contrast (Transition word/phrase used to show a contrasting relationship)
  26. B. narrate a story (What a narrative paragraph can do)
  27. D. a conclusion or summary (What ‘In conclusion’ or ‘In brief’ is used to introduce)
  28. A. tells the reader what the topic of the paragraph is (Purpose of the title of a paragraph)
  29. C. brainstorming (First step in writing a paragraph)
  30. D. supports and explains the topic of the paragraph (What good supporting sentences do)
  31. C. make the definition of something or someone clearer to the readers (What a definition paragraph can do)
  32. C. sensory (Type of adjective often seen in a descriptive paragraph)
  33. A. Every good paragraph has a topic sentence. (Correct statement about topic sentences)
  34. D. a result (What ‘Consequently’ or ‘Hence’ is used to introduce)
  35. A. Process paragraph (Paragraph type for the topic sentence “Finding a nice roommate will never be a challenge if you keep following these directions.”)
  36. B. If a student has already developed good study habits, studying at higher education will not be difficult. (Most corrected version of the sentence)
  37. B. Narrative paragraph (Paragraph type for the topic sentence “The happiest day of my life is when I got my first job in a restaurant last year.”)
  38. A. repeat key nouns frequently (What the writer can do to make a paragraph coherent)
  39. A. Cooking is never my favourite activity, for I am not good at making food dishes. (Most corrected version of the sentence)
  40. B. To make their wives happier and less stressed, I think fathers should help the female parents equally at home. (Best topic sentence for the given topic)


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02/06 21:36:17
+4đ tặng
Sure, here are the answers:

1. B. for instance
2. B. Studying abroad has a lot of main benefits.
3. D. a concluding sentence
4. B. furthermore
5. A. 3
6. B. 4
7. C. It summarizes the main points of the paragraph.
8. B. the most general idea
9. C. express the writer's opinion about a topic
10. A. in the opening sentence(s)
11. D. in addition
12. A. one
13. C. a topic sentence
14. D. quickly writing down all the thoughts that come into your head
15. D. a complete sentence
16. C. an opposite idea
17. B. otherwise
18. D. in short
19. A. repeating key nouns
20. A. explain a sequence or process
21. A. Secondly
22. C. It signals the end of the paragraph.
23. A. ideas that have the same kind of letter or number must have equal value
24. A. All ideas with the same kind of letter or number should have the same grammatical form.
25. D. In contrast
26. B. narrate a story
27. D. a conclusion or summary
28. A. tells the reader what the topic of the paragraph is
29. D. planning
30. D. supports and explains the topic of the paragraph
31. C. make the definition of something or someone clearer to the readers
32. C. sensory
33. A. Every good paragraph has a topic sentence.
34. D. a result
35. A. Process paragraph
36. B. If a student has already developed good study habits, studying at higher education will not be difficult.
37. B. Narrative paragraph
38. A. repeat key nouns frequently
39. B. Cooking is never my favourite activity for I am not good at making food dishes.
40. B. To make their wives happier and less stressed, I think fathers should help the female parents equally at home.
Khánh Vy
02/06 21:36:23
+3đ tặng
 1 B. "for instance".
C2 không đầy đủ,  không thể trả lời.
+2đ tặng
Which connector can be used to introduce an example?
A. on the other hand
B. for instance
C. moreover
D. in addition
Gouu Tduz
02/06 21:45:12
+1đ tặng

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