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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 12
06/06 19:22:36

Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s)

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Question 19 (Question ID: 1-173063)
Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s).
She decided to remain celibate and devote her life to helping the homeless and orphans.
A. divorced
B. married
C. single
Lisa: "Would you mind turning down the TV? I'm
studying!" Bill: "_"
A. Yes, I'm working, too.
B. Not at all. I'll do it now.
C. Thank you. I'm pleased.
D. No, I wouldn't be working.
Question 22 (Question ID: 1-28191)
Martin and Jack are discussing about the changing role of men in society.
Martin: "The modern father may stay at home to take care of his
children." Jack: "But I'm not sure if many of them would be happy doing
A. Well, maybe.
B. Yes, definitely.
C. I totally agree with you.
D. That's a wonderful choice.
Question 23 (Question ID: 1-79937)
"Shall we meet at seven o'clock ?" "No, I'll still
A. work
B. have worked
C. be working
D. have been working
Question 24 (Question ID: 1-74997)
Today the birth of a girl is welcomed with an enthusiasm
to that of a boy.
D. separated
A. equally
B. equal
C. equals
Question 20 (Question ID: 1-117265)
Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s).
The Arctic fox's brownish-gray coat blends in with the barren tundra landscape in the months
without snow.
D. be equal
A. poor
B. fruitful
C. arid
D. desert
Question 25 (Question ID: 1-117151)
It was found that he lacked the
to pursue a difficult task to the very end.
A. persuasion
B. commitment
C. engagement
D. obligation
Question 26 (Question ID: 1-45454)
Life in Ho Chi Minh City is
A. far the busier
B. the more busier
C. much more busy
D. much busier
than we thought at first.
Question 27 (Question ID: 1-110566)
Recently Tawfiq Al-Sudairi, the deputy minister of Islamic Affairs in Saudi Arabia,
his disapproval of the political interpretation of Islam.
A. spoke
B. said
C. told
D. voiced
Question 28 (Question ID: 1-45501)
For those artisans, making the paintings is a career.
generations of the family.
A. so that
B. because
C. because of
D. although
it supports the life of many
4 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
06/06 19:26:39
+5đ tặng

Question 19 (Question ID: 1-173063)

Opposite in meaning to "celibate":

  • B. married

Question 20 (Question ID: 1-117265)

Opposite in meaning to "barren":

  • B. fruitful

Question 22 (Question ID: 1-28191)

Martin and Jack discussing the changing role of men:

  • A. Well, maybe.

Question 23 (Question ID: 1-79937)

"Shall we meet at seven o'clock?" "No, I'll still":

  • C. be working

Question 24 (Question ID: 1-74997)

"Today the birth of a girl is welcomed with an enthusiasm ______ to that of a boy":

  • B. equal

Question 25 (Question ID: 1-117151)

"He lacked the ______ to pursue a difficult task to the very end":

  • B. commitment

Question 26 (Question ID: 1-45454)

"Life in Ho Chi Minh City is ______ than we thought at first":

  • D. much busier

Question 27 (Question ID: 1-110566)

"Tawfiq Al-Sudairi ______ his disapproval of the political interpretation of Islam":

  • D. voiced

Question 28 (Question ID: 1-45501)

"For those artisans, making the paintings is a career ______ it supports the life of many generations of the family":

  • B. because


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Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
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Gouu Tduz
06/06 19:29:15
+4đ tặng
Thank Truc
06/06 19:33:54
+3đ tặng
hoa nguyen
06/06 19:48:42
+2đ tặng
19.B  Celibrate: tự do, độc thân >< married: đã kết hôn
20. B  barren: khô cằn
      Câu này trường hợp không biết nghĩa có thể loaj trừ đáp án nhé. Ý A. Poor-nghèo   C. khô  D. sa mạc
ý B fruit: hoa quả - tính từ fruitful sẽ liên quan đến sai quả, màu mỡ
21. B  Trả lời mẫu câu hỏi bạn có phiền .... không? trả lời Not at all: Không  thành vấn đề
22. A  Câu nói trước có đề cập đến động từ khuyết thiếu "may"
23. C  cần thì tương lai tiếp diễn (sẽ đang làm gì)
24. A Cần 1 danh từ
25. B  thiếu đi sự cam kết theo đuổi...
26. A  Busy là tính từ ngắn nên không cần thêm more/much đằng trước chỉ cần thêm đuôi er. 
27. D Express/voice one's disapproval of st: bày tỏ sự phản đối về cái gì
28. B  giải thích câu trước. because of + danh từ

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