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15/06 12:34:50

People say that it is a waste of time for high school students to learn literature such as novels and poems. Do you agree or disagree?

People say that it is a waste of time for high school students to learn  literature such as novels and poems. Do you agree or disagree? 
3 trả lời
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I disagree with the notion that it is a waste of time for high school students to learn literature such as novels and poems. Here are several reasons why studying literature is valuable:

1. **Critical Thinking and Analytical Skills**: Literature encourages students to think critically and analyze complex texts. This helps develop their ability to interpret and understand different perspectives, which is a valuable skill in any field.

2. **Cultural Awareness and Empathy**: Reading literature from various cultures and time periods exposes students to diverse viewpoints and experiences. This fosters empathy and a deeper understanding of the human condition.

3. **Language and Communication Skills**: Literature enhances vocabulary, comprehension, and writing skills. Students learn to appreciate the nuances of language and improve their ability to express themselves clearly and creatively.

4. **Emotional and Psychological Growth**: Literature often deals with themes such as love, loss, identity, and morality. Engaging with these themes can help students navigate their own emotions and experiences, contributing to their personal growth.

5. **Historical and Social Context**: Many literary works provide insights into the historical and social contexts in which they were written. This helps students understand the evolution of societal values and norms.

6. **Imagination and Creativity**: Literature stimulates the imagination and encourages creative thinking. This can be particularly beneficial in developing innovative problem-solving skills.

7. **Appreciation of Art and Beauty**: Literature is an art form that can inspire a lifelong appreciation for beauty and creativity. This can enrich students' lives and contribute to their overall well-being.

While it is important to balance the curriculum with subjects that provide practical skills, literature offers unique benefits that are essential for a well-rounded education. Therefore, it should not be considered a waste of time but rather an integral part of high school education.
Thank Truc
15/06 12:35:51

Some people believe that it is a waste of time for students to study literature in high school. Personally, I couldn’t disagree more with this opinion.

Firstly, there are a range of benefits for high school students who study literature. Studying novels can give students a deeper insight into the history and culture of a particular place or time. For example, although the storyline in many novels may be fictional, the reader can still gain a good sense of the culture and customs of certain places and periods of time, and this is usually a much more entertaining way of understanding history compared to reading regular history books. Secondly, studying literature helps students to learn more about language, which increases their ability to express themselves and communicate with others. This is particularly important these days as the use of the internet and social media has had a myriad of negative impacts on people’s communication skills.

Furthermore, literature is a form of art, and it cannot be argued that the world needs artists to make it a better place to live. Without art, the world would be a ghastly, boring place. I believe that literature should be considered as an important part of any high school curriculum as it helps to stimulate students’ artistic intelligence and provides them with a break from the monotony of logic-based subjects such as math and science. All subjects play an important role in the development of students, and literature is no exception. These days, there seems to be too much attention given to the importance of science and math-based subjects, as they are what many people believe drive a country’s economy, however I believe that art and culture should be considered as important as the economy.

In conclusion, not only does literature hold an important place within a high school’s curriculum, but also within society itself, and therefore I believe it should be held in high regard.

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Nguyễn Văn Minh
15/06 12:36:46
+4đ tặng
I believe that learning literature, such as novels and poems, plays a crucial role in shaping students' critical thinking skills, empathy, and cultural awareness. Literature allows students to explore different perspectives, develop their creativity, and expand their vocabulary. It also helps them understand complex emotions and societal issues, which are essential for personal growth and academic success. Therefore, I disagree with the notion that learning literature is a waste of time for high school students.

Quốc Hưng
15/06 12:37:42
+3đ tặng
Many today claim that learning literature in high school is a waste of time. In my opinion, even though there is some practicality in the argument but literature still serves a purpose.

On one hand, the proponents of this argument state that other subjects should be prioritized. In other words, schools should give more attention and focus on other subjects like science, mathematics or commerce. Since the student’s career choice completely depends on this. Majority of the students will pursue higher studies in order to become doctors, engineers or business people and thus, they will forget the literature which they learned at high school. Therefore, the effort of teaching literature to high school students is futile.

On the other hand,nonetheless, literature is also equally mandatory. In other words,not only career choices and their related subjects but literature also is irreplaceable. Since, most of the literary works contain beneficial, as well as fundamental life lessons which help’s people to lead a quality life. For example authors like, Leo Tolstoy mainly focuses on philosophical and psychological issues which are applicable to each and every individual’s life. Moreover, literature also helps us to learn the language in-depth making the communication, using it easier.

In conclusion, admittedly other career-oriented subjects are important but literature also holds a high position in the academics. As not only it teaches other fundamental life lessons in a creative manner but also assists to master the language. Thus, high school students must be encouraged to learn literature and schools should make it interesting too.

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