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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
06/07 15:52:25

Add apostrophes to these sentences if necessary

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1 Add apostrophes to these sentences if necessary.
1 Is that book yours or Sams?
2 Davids sisters cats name is Syrup.
3 Have you met Pats brothers?
4 Are those shoes hers?
5 These are the girls fathers.
Those are the teachers cars.
is that book yours or Sams?
7 These sandwiches are ours, not yours.
8 My books are in my friends bag..
9 Whose gloves are these?.
10 That is Jacks fathers bike.
2 Write compound words.
1 the window of the shop
2 the leg of the table
3 the door of the car
4 the playground of the school
5 the wheel of the bicycle
6 the handle of the door
the shop window
3 Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning
1 This desk belongs to Jim.
This is Jim's desk.
2 That belongs to her.
3 Does this belong to you or him?
Is this
4 Who does this ruler belong to?
5 Do the empty seats belong to them?
Are the
6 We own this house.
7 Joe and Ella own this caravan.
This is
8 Does that bag belong to Sarah's teacher?
Is that.
3 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Linh xg
06/07 15:55:22
+5đ tặng
Exercise 1: Add apostrophes to these sentences if necessary.
  1. Is that book yours or Sam's?
  2. David's sister's cat's name is Syrup.
  3. Have you met Pat's brothers?
  4. Are those shoes hers?
  5. These are the girls' fathers'.
  6. Those are the teachers' cars.
  7. These sandwiches are ours, not yours.
  8. My books are in my friend's bag.
  9. Whose gloves are these?
  10. That is Jack's father's bike.
Exercise 2: Write compound words.
  1. the shop window
  2. the table leg
  3. the car door
  4. the school playground
  5. the bicycle wheel
  6. the door handle
Exercise 3: Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning.
  1. This desk belongs to Jim.

    • This is Jim's desk.
  2. That belongs to her.

    • That's hers.
  3. Does this belong to you or him?

    • Is this yours or his?
  4. Who does this ruler belong to?

    • Whose ruler is this?
  5. Do the empty seats belong to them?

    • Are the seats theirs?
  6. We own this house.

    • This house is ours.
  7. Joe and Ella own this caravan.

    • This is Joe and Ella's caravan.
  8. Does that bag belong to Sarah's teacher?

    • Is that Sarah's teacher's bag?

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Chu Diem Quynh
06/07 15:56:06
+4đ tặng
Add apostrophes to these sentences if necessary.

Is that book yours or Sam's?

David's sister's cat's name is Syrup.

Have you met Pat's brothers?

Are those shoes hers?

These are the girl's father's.

Those are the teacher's cars.

Is that book yours or Sam's?

These sandwiches are ours, not yours.

My books are in my friend's bag.

Whose gloves are these?

That is Jack's father's bike.

Write compound words.

shop window

table leg

car door

school playground

bicycle wheel

door handle

Rewrite each sentence beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning

This desk belongs to Jim.
-> This is Jim's desk.

That belongs to her.
-> That's hers.

Does this belong to you or him?
-> Is this yours or his?

Who does this ruler belong to?
-> Whose ruler is this?

Do the empty seats belong to them?
-> Are the empty seats theirs?

We own this house.
-> This house is ours.

Joe and Ella own this caravan.
-> This is Joe and Ella's caravan.

Does that bag belong to Sarah's teacher?
-> Is that Sarah's teacher's bag?
06/07 15:57:00
+3đ tặng

2.David's sister's cat's name is Syrup.

3.Have you met Pat's brother's?

4.Are those shoes her's?

6.Those are the teacher's cars

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