Bài tập  /  Bài đang cần trả lời

Nhấn trọng âm

1.   A. biologist                    B. counterpart                C. compliment D. kindergarten

2.   A. applicant                    B. maximum                   C. category                  D. inflation

3.   A. renovation                 B. communication          C. intervention            D. expedition

4.   A. different                    B. bamboo                      C. rainfall                    D. wildlife

5.   A. personality                 B. rhinoceros                  C. gorilla                     D. opponent

6.   A. leftovers                    B. windsurfing               C. enthusiast               D. scoreboard

7.   A. comfortable               B. tsunami                      C. precision                 D. involvement

8.   A. struggle                     B. rubbish                       C. nonsense                 D. development

9.   A. nursery                      B. certificate                  C. curriculum  D. intelligence

10. A. industrial                   B. interfere                     C. develop                   D. activity

11. A. incredible                  B. unexpected                C. unnoticed               D. outstanding

12. A. overwhelming           B. intellectual                 C. interesting               D. economic

13. A. inaccurate                  B. illegal                         C. positive                   D. domestic

14. A. confident                   B. eternal                                                   C. dangerous             D. healthier

15. A. independent               B. academic                    C. compulsory              D. unexpected

16. A. secondary                  B. immediate                  C. miraculous                D. domestic

17. A. simple                        B. polite                          C. formal                     D. instant

18. A. beautiful                    B. terrific                                                   C. wonderful                        D. marvelous

19. A. conical                       B. different                     C. symbolic                 D. careful

20. A. cultural                       B. mischievous               C. interesting                D. responsible

21. A. finance                       B. service                                    C. order                       D. company

22. A. interview                    B. agency                        C. addition                   D. customer

23. A. prisoner                      B. diffficult                    C. exercise                   D. disaster

24. A. improvement              B. occasion                     C. believe                    D. interest

25. A influential                   B. opportunity                C. temperament           D. expectation

26. A. picture                        B. number                       C. water                       D. advice

27. A. organize                     B. embarrass                   C. discourage               D. surrounding

28. A. podium                      B. title                             C. notice                      D. pioneer

29. A. nature                         B. marriage                     C. value                       D. belief

30. A. police                         B. spirit                           C. banquet                   D. culture

31. A. determine                   B. maintain                     C. sacrifice                  D. apologize

32. A. inversion                    B. miserable                    C.pleasant                    D. difficulty

33. A. swallow                      B. survive                       C. digest                       D. finish

34. A. product                      B. satisfy                        C. pleasure                   D. however

35. A. happiness                   B. rewrite                                                  C. eject                                   D. oblige

36. A. compare                     B. compose                     C. company                 D. consist

37. A. manage                      B. recognize                    C. argue                       D. discriminate

38. A. entertain                     B. understand                 C. recommend              D. develop

39. A. offer                          B. listen                          C. precede                   D. follow

40. A. interview                    B. appropriate                 C. employ                    D. describe

41. A. support                       B. fascinate                     C. accept                      D. believe

42. A. inform                        B. appeal                                                  C. attempt                  D. hesitate

43. A. integrate                     B. defeat                         C. advise                      D. compete

44. A. engrave                      B. categorize                   C. memorialize                         D. discover

45. A. extremely                   B. necessary                   C. necessity                 D. co-operate

46. A. politics                       B. historic                       C. electric                    D. specific

47. A.committee                   B. referee                        C. employee                D. refugee

48. A. stimulate                    B. subtract                      C. announce                D. maintain

49. A. determine                   B. appearance                 C. develop                   D. difference

50. A. romantic                     B. following                    C. summary                 D. physical

3 Xem trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
Dưới đây là trọng âm của các từ trong từng câu hỏi:

1. A. biologist (bi-OL-o-gist) B. counterpart (COU-nt-er-part) C. compliment (COM-pli-ment) D. kindergarten (KIN-der-gar-ten)

2. A. applicant (AP-pli-cant) B. maximum (MAX-i-mum) C. category (CAT-e-go-ry) D. inflation (in-FLA-tion)

3. A. renovation (ren-o-VA-tion) B. communication (com-mu-ni-CA-tion) C. intervention (in-ter-VEN-tion) D. expedition (ex-pe-DI-tion)

4. A. different (DIFF-er-ent) B. bamboo (bam-BOO) C. rainfall (RAIN-fall) D. wildlife (WILD-life)

5. A. personality (per-so-NA-li-ty) B. rhinoceros (ri-NOC-e-ros) C. gorilla (go-RIL-la) D. opponent (op-PON-ent)

6. A. leftovers (LEFT-o-vers) B. windsurfing (WINDSURF-ing) C. enthusiast (en-THUS-iast) D. scoreboard (SCORE-board)

7. A. comfortable (COM-fort-a-ble) B. tsunami (tsu-NA-mi) C. precision (pre-CI-sion) D. involvement (in-VOLV-ment)

8. A. struggle (STRUG-gle) B. rubbish (RUB-bish) C. nonsense (NON-sense) D. development (de-VE-LOP-ment)

9. A. nursery (NUR-se-ry) B. certificate (cer-TIF-i-cate) C. curriculum (cu-RRIC-u-lum) D. intelligence (in-TEL-li-gence)

10. A. industrial (in-DUS-trial) B. interfere (in-ter-FERE) C. develop (de-VEL-op) D. activity (ac-TIV-i-ty)

11. A. incredible (in-CRED-i-ble) B. unexpected (un-ex-PECT-ed) C. unnoticed (un-NOT-iced) D. outstanding (out-STAND-ing)

12. A. overwhelming (o-ver-WHELM-ing) B. intellectual (in-tel-LEC-tual) C. interesting (IN-ter-est-ing) D. economic (ec-o-NOM-ic)

13. A. inaccurate (in-AC-cu-rate) B. illegal (il-LE-gal) C. positive (POS-i-tive) D. domestic (do-MES-tic)

14. A. confident (CON-fi-dent) B. eternal (e-TER-nal) C. dangerous (DAN-ger-ous) D. healthier (HEAL-thi-er)

15. A. independent (in-de-PEND-ent) B. academic (ac-a-DEM-ic) C. compulsory (com-PUL-so-ry) D. unexpected (un-ex-PECT-ed)

16. A. secondary (SEC-on-dary) B. immediate (im-MED-i-ate) C. miraculous (mi-RAC-u-lous) D. domestic (do-MES-tic)

17. A. simple (SIM-ple) B. polite (po-LITE) C. formal (FOR-mal) D. instant (IN-stant)

18. A. beautiful (BEAU-ti-ful) B. terrific (te-RIF-ic) C. wonderful (WON-der-ful) D. marvelous (MAR-ve-lous)

19. A. conical (CON-i-cal) B. different (DIFF-er-ent) C. symbolic (sym-BOL-ic) D. careful (CARE-ful)

20. A. cultural (CUL-tur-al) B. mischievous (MIS-chie-vous) C. interesting (IN-ter-est-ing) D. responsible (re-SPON-si-ble)

21. A. finance (fi-NANCE) B. service (SER-vice) C. order (OR-der) D. company (COM-pa-ny)

22. A. interview (IN-ter-view) B. agency (A-gen-cy) C. addition (ad-DI-tion) D. customer (CUS-tom-er)

23. A. prisoner (PRIS-on-er) B. difficult (DIF-fi-cult) C. exercise (EX-er-cise) D. disaster (dis-AS-ter)

24. A. improvement (im-PROVE-ment) B. occasion (oc-CAS-ion) C. believe (be-LIEVE) D. interest (IN-ter-est)

25. A. influential (in-flu-EN-tial) B. opportunity (op-por-TU-ni-ty) C. temperament (TEM-per-a-ment) D. expectation (ex-pec-TA-tion)

26. A. picture (PIC-ture) B. number (NUM-ber) C. water (WA-ter) D. advice (ad-VICE)

27. A. organize (OR-ga-nize) B. embarrass (em-BAR-rass) C. discourage (dis-COUR-age) D. surrounding (sur-ROUND-ing)

28. A. podium (PO-di-um) B. title (TI-tle) C. notice (NO-tice) D. pioneer (pi-o-NEER)

29. A. nature (NA-ture) B. marriage (MAR-riage) C. value (VAL-ue) D. belief (be-LIEF)

30. A. police (po-LICE) B. spirit (SPIR-it) C. banquet (BAN-quet) D. culture (CUL-ture)

31. A. determine (de-TER-mine) B. maintain (main-TAIN) C. sacrifice (SAC-ri-fice) D. apologize (a-POL-o-gize)

32. A. inversion (in-VER-sion) B. miserable (MIZ-er-a-ble) C. pleasant (PLEAS-ant) D. difficulty (dif-FI-cul-ty)

33. A. swallow (SWAL-low) B. survive (sur-VIVE) C. digest (di-GEST) D. finish (FIN-ISH)

34. A. product (PROD-uct) B. satisfy (SAT-is-fy) C. pleasure (PLEA-sure) D. however (how-EV-er)

35. A. happiness (HAP-pi-ness) B. rewrite (RE-write) C. eject (e-JECT) D. oblige (o-BLIGE)

36. A. compare (com-PARE) B. compose (com-POSE) C. company (COM-pa-ny) D. consist (con-SIST)

37. A. manage (MAN-age) B. recognize (REC-og-nize) C. argue (AR-gue) D. discriminate (dis-CRIM-inate)

38. A. entertain (en-ter-TAIN) B. understand (un-der-STAND) C. recommend (rec-OM-mend) D. develop (de-VEL-op)

39. A. offer (OF-fer) B. listen (LIS-ten) C. precede (pre-CED-e) D. follow (FOL-low)

40. A. interview (IN-ter-view) B. appropriate (ap-PRO-pri-ate) C. employ (em-PLOY) D. describe (de-SCRIBE)

41. A. support (sup-PORT) B. fascinate (FAS-ci-nate) C. accept (ac-CEPT) D. believe (be-LIEVE)

42. A. inform (in-FORM) B. appeal (ap-PEAL) C. attempt (at-TEMPT) D. hesitate (HEZ-i-tate)

43. A. integrate (IN-te-grate) B. defeat (de-FEAT) C. advise (ad-VISE) D. compete (com-PETE)

44. A. engrave (en-GRAVE) B. categorize (CAT-e-go-rize) C. memorialize (me-MO-ri-al-ize) D. discover (dis-COV-er)

45. A. extremely (ex-TREME-ly) B. necessary (NEC-es-sary) C. necessity (ne-CES-si-ty) D. co-operate (co-OP-er-ate)

46. A. politics (POL-i-tics) B. historic (his-TOR-ic) C. electric (e-LECT-ric) D. specific (spe-CIF-ic)

47. A. committee (com-MIT-tee) B. referee (ref-er-EE) C. employee (em-PLOY-ee) D. refugee (ref-u-GEE)

48. A. stimulate (STIM-u-late) B. subtract (sub-TRACT) C. announce (an-NOUNCE) D. maintain (main-TAIN)

49. A. determine (de-TER-mine) B. appearance (ap-PEAR-ance) C. develop (de-VEL-op) D. difference (DIFF-er-ence)

50. A. romantic (ro-MAN-tic) B. following (FOL-low-ing) C. summary (SUM-ma-ry) D. physical (PHYS-i-cal)

Hy vọng thông tin này hữu ích cho bạn!
02/08 11:10:40
+5đ tặng
Dưới đây là danh sách các từ đúng cho mỗi câu:

1. **B. counterpart**  
   (Ví dụ: A biologist’s counterpart in the field of zoology.)

2. **A. applicant**  
   (Ví dụ: The applicant must submit a resume.)

3. **D. expedition**  
   (Ví dụ: The expedition was well-prepared for the journey.)

4. **D. wildlife**  
   (Ví dụ: Wildlife conservation is important for preserving ecosystems.)

5. **A. personality**  
   (Ví dụ: Her personality is very vibrant.)

6. **B. windsurfing**  
   (Ví dụ: Windsurfing is an exciting water sport.)

7. **C. precision**  
   (Ví dụ: The watch was made with great precision.)

8. **B. rubbish**  
   (Ví dụ: He threw away all the rubbish.)

9. **C. curriculum**  
   (Ví dụ: The school’s curriculum is very comprehensive.)

10. **B. interfere**  
    (Ví dụ: We should avoid actions that interfere with the project.)

11. **D. outstanding**  
    (Ví dụ: Her performance was truly outstanding.)

12. **B. intellectual**  
    (Ví dụ: The discussion was very intellectual.)

13. **C. positive**  
    (Ví dụ: She has a positive attitude towards the project.)

14. **A. confident**  
    (Ví dụ: He is confident about his skills.)

15. **C. compulsory**  
    (Ví dụ: Attendance at the meeting is compulsory.)

16. **B. immediate**  
    (Ví dụ: The response was immediate.)

17. **D. instant**  
    (Ví dụ: The coffee was prepared in an instant.)

18. **D. marvelous**  
    (Ví dụ: The view from the top was absolutely marvelous.)

19. **B. different**  
    (Ví dụ: They have different opinions on the subject.)

20. **A. cultural**  
    (Ví dụ: The event was a cultural celebration.)

21. **B. service**  
    (Ví dụ: The service was quick and efficient.)

22. **B. agency**  
    (Ví dụ: She works for a travel agency.)

23. **C. exercise**  
    (Ví dụ: Regular exercise is important for health.)

24. **A. improvement**  
    (Ví dụ: The improvement in his performance was noticeable.)

25. **B. opportunity**  
    (Ví dụ: This is a great opportunity for advancement.)

26. **A. picture**  
    (Ví dụ: I took a picture of the beautiful landscape.)

27. **A. organize**  
    (Ví dụ: We need to organize the files.)

28. **D. pioneer**  
    (Ví dụ: She was a pioneer in her field.)

29. **D. belief**  
    (Ví dụ: They shared the same belief about the project.)

30. **A. police**  
    (Ví dụ: The police are investigating the incident.)

31. **D. apologize**  
    (Ví dụ: I need to apologize for the mistake.)

32. **C. pleasant**  
    (Ví dụ: It was a pleasant surprise.)

33. **C. digest**  
    (Ví dụ: The body needs time to digest the food.)

34. **A. product**  
    (Ví dụ: The product was well-received by the market.)

35. **B. rewrite**  
    (Ví dụ: He had to rewrite the report.)

36. **B. compose**  
    (Ví dụ: She will compose the music for the film.)

37. **B. recognize**  
    (Ví dụ: I didn’t recognize him at first.)

38. **B. understand**  
    (Ví dụ: It’s important to understand the instructions.)

39. **A. offer**  
    (Ví dụ: They made an offer on the house.)

40. **B. appropriate**  
    (Ví dụ: That behavior is not appropriate for the occasion.)

41. **A. support**  
    (Ví dụ: We need to support our local community.)

42. **C. attempt**  
    (Ví dụ: She made an attempt to solve the problem.)

43. **A. integrate**  
    (Ví dụ: We need to integrate new methods into the project.)

44. **C. memorialize**  
    (Ví dụ: The plaque was placed to memorialize the event.)

45. **B. necessary**  
    (Ví dụ: It is necessary to follow the guidelines.)

46. **B. historic**  
    (Ví dụ: The building has a historic significance.)

47. **C. employee**  
    (Ví dụ: The company is hiring a new employee.)

48. **D. maintain**  
    (Ví dụ: We need to maintain the equipment regularly.)

49. **D. difference**  
    (Ví dụ: The difference between the two options is clear.)

50. **D. physical**  
    (Ví dụ: Physical exercise is important for health.)

Mở khóa để xem toàn bộ nội dung trả lời

Bạn đã đạt đến giới hạn của mình. Bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản, bạn có thể xem toàn bộ nội dung trả lời
Cải thiện điểm số của bạn bằng cách đăng ký tài khoản Lazi.
Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng nhập tài khoản ngay bây giờ
Tôi đã có tài khoản? Đăng nhập
02/08 11:13:45
+4đ tặng
  1. B. counterpart (nhấn vào âm tiết thứ 1: COUN-ter-part)
  2. A. applicant (nhấn vào âm tiết thứ 1: AP-pli-cant)
  3. B. communication (nhấn vào âm tiết thứ 3: com-mu-ni-CA-tion)
  4. A. different (nhấn vào âm tiết thứ 1: DIF-ferent)
  5. A. personality (nhấn vào âm tiết thứ 3: per-so-NA-li-ty)
6.A. left-over (left-over) 7.B. tsu-nami (tsu-nami) 8.D. de-vel-opment (de-vel-opment) 9.C. cur-ric-ulum (cur-ric-ulum) 10.A. in-dus-trial (in-dus-trial) A. in-cred-ible (in-cred-ible) A. over-whelm-ing (over-whelm-ing) A. in-ac-curate (in-ac-curate) A. con-fident (con-fident) A. in-de-pendent (in-de-pendent) B. im-me-diate (im-me-diate) C. for-mal (for-mal) A. beau-ti-ful (beau-ti-ful) C. sym-bolic (sym-bolic) C. in-ter-esting (in-ter-esting) A. fi-nance (fi-nance) A. in-terview (in-terview) A. pris-oner (pris-oner) A. im-prove-ment (im-prove-ment) A. influ-en-tial (influ-en-tial) A. pic-ture (pic-ture) B. em-bar-rass (em-bar-rass) A. po-dium (po-dium) A. na-ture (na-ture) A. po-lice (po-lice) A. de-ter-mine (de-ter-mine) D. dif-fi-culty (dif-fi-culty) B. sur-vive (sur-vive) A. pro-duct (pro-duct) A. hap-pi-ness (hap-pi-ness) A. com-pare (com-pare) B. rec-og-nize (rec-og-nize) C. rec-om-mend (rec-om-mend) C. pre-cede (pre-cede) A. in-terview (in-terview) A. sup-port (sup-port) A. in-form (in-form) A. in-te-grate (in-te-grate) A. en-grave (en-grave) A. ex-treme-ly (ex-treme-ly) D. spe-cif-ic (spe-cif-ic) A. com-mit-tee (com-mit-tee) C. an-nounce (an-nounce) A. de-ter-mine (de-ter-mine) B. ro-mantic (ro-mantic)
đáp án theo thứ tự nhé bn,mik đánh thiếu bn thông cảm
02/08 11:14:07
+3đ tặng
  1. A. biologist (bi-O-logist)

    • B. counterpart (COUN-ter-part)
    • C. compliment (COM-pli-ment)
    • D. kindergarten (KIN-der-gar-ten)
  2. C. category (CAT-e-go-ry)

    • A. applicant (AP-pli-cant)
    • B. maximum (MAX-i-mum)
    • D. inflation (in-FLA-tion)
  3. D. expedition (exp-e-DI-tion)

    • A. renovation (ren-o-VA-tion)
    • B. communication (com-mu-ni-CA-tion)
    • C. intervention (in-ter-VEN-tion)
  4. D. wildlife (WILD-life)

    • A. different (DIFF-er-ent)
    • B. bamboo (bam-BOO)
    • C. rainfall (RAIN-fall)
  5. B. rhinoceros (ri-NOC-er-os)

    • A. personality (per-son-AL-i-ty)
    • C. gorilla (go-RIL-la)
    • D. opponent (op-PO-nent)
  6. A. leftovers (LEFT-ov-ers)

    • B. windsurfing (WIND-surf-ing)
    • C. enthusiast (en-THU-si-ast)
    • D. scoreboard (SCORE-board)
  7. A. comfortable (COM-fort-a-ble)

    • B. tsunami (tsu-NA-mi)
    • C. precision (pre-CI-sion)
    • D. involvement (in-VOLV-ment)
  8. D. development (de-VE-lop-ment)

    • A. struggle (STRUG-gle)
    • B. rubbish (RUB-bish)
    • C. nonsense (NON-sense)
  9. C. curriculum (cur-RIC-u-lum)

    • A. nursery (NUR-ser-y)
    • B. certificate (cer-TIF-i-cate)
    • D. intelligence (in-TEL-li-gence)
  10. A. industrial (in-DUS-tri-al)

    • B. interfere (in-ter-FERE)
    • C. develop (de-VEL-op)
    • D. activity (ac-TIV-i-ty)
  11. D. outstanding (out-STAND-ing)

    • A. incredible (in-CRED-i-ble)
    • B. unexpected (un-ex-PECT-ed)
    • C. unnoticed (un-NO-ticed)
  12. C. interesting (IN-ter-est-ing)

    • A. overwhelming (o-ver-WHELM-ing)
    • B. intellectual (in-tel-LEC-tual)
    • D. economic (ec-o-NOM-ic)
  13. A. inaccurate (in-AC-cu-rate)

    • B. illegal (il-LE-gal)
    • C. positive (POS-i-tive)
    • D. domestic (do-MES-tic)
  14. D. healthier (HEALTH-i-er)

    • A. confident (CON-fi-dent)
    • B. eternal (e-TER-nal)
    • C. dangerous (DAN-ger-ous)
  15. C. compulsory (com-PUL-so-ry)

    • A. independent (in-de-PEN-dent)
    • B. academic (ac-a-DEM-ic)
    • D. unexpected (un-ex-PECT-ed)
  16. B. immediate (im-ME-di-ate)

    • A. secondary (SEC-on-da-ry)
    • C. miraculous (mi-RAC-u-lous)
    • D. domestic (do-MES-tic)
  17. D. instant (IN-stant)

    • A. simple (SIM-ple)
    • B. polite (po-LITE)
    • C. formal (FOR-mal)
  18. D. marvelous (MAR-ve-lous)

    • A. beautiful (BEAU-ti-ful)
    • B. terrific (ter-RIF-ic)
    • C. wonderful (WON-der-ful)
  19. C. symbolic (sym-BOL-ic)

    • A. conical (CON-i-cal)
    • B. different (DIFF-er-ent)
    • D. careful (CARE-ful)
  20. A. cultural (CUL-tur-al)

    • B. mischievous (MIS-chie-vous)
    • C. interesting (IN-ter-est-ing)
    • D. responsible (re-SPON-si-ble)
  21. D. company (COM-pa-ny)

    • A. finance (fi-NANCE)
    • B. service (SER-vice)
    • C. order (OR-der)
  22. B. agency (A-gen-cy)

    • A. interview (IN-ter-view)
    • C. addition (ad-DI-tion)
    • D. customer (CUS-to-mer)
  23. A. prisoner (PRIS-on-er)

    • B. difficult (DIF-fi-cult)
    • C. exercise (EX-er-cise)
    • D. disaster (di-SAS-ter)
  24. B. occasion (oc-CA-sion)

    • A. improvement (im-PROVE-ment)
    • C. believe (be-LIEVE)
    • D. interest (IN-ter-est)
  25. B. opportunity (op-por-TU-ni-ty)

    • A. influential (in-flu-EN-tial)
    • C. temperament (TEM-per-a-ment)
    • D. expectation (ex-pec-TA-tion)
  26. A. picture (PIC-ture)

    • B. number (NUM-ber)
    • C. water (WA-ter)
    • D. advice (ad-VICE)
  27. A. organize (OR-ga-nize)

    • B. embarrass (em-BAR-rass)
    • C. discourage (dis-COUR-age)
    • D. surrounding (sur-ROUND-ing)
  28. B. title (TI-tle)

    • A. podium (PO-di-um)
    • C. notice (NO-tice)
    • D. pioneer (pi-o-NEER)
  29. A. nature (NA-ture)

    • B. marriage (MAR-riage)
    • C. value (VAL-ue)
    • D. belief (be-LIEF)
  30. D. culture (CUL-ture)

    • A. police (po-LICE)
    • B. spirit (SPI-rit)
    • C. banquet (BAN-quet)
  31. B. maintain (main-TAIN)

    • A. determine (de-TER-mine)
    • C. sacrifice (SAC-ri-fice)
    • D. apologize (ap-OL-o-gize)
  32. C. pleasant (PLEAS-ant)

    • A. inversion (in-VER-sion)
    • B. miserable (MIS-er-a-ble)
    • D. difficulty (dif-fi-CUL-ty)
  33. B. survive (sur-VIVE)

    • A. swallow (SWAL-low)
    • C. digest (di-GEST)
    • D. finish (FIN-ish)
  34. D. however (how-EV-er)

    • A. product (PRO-duct)
    • B. satisfy (SAT-is-fy)
    • C. pleasure (PLEA-sure)
  35. A. happiness (HAP-pi-ness)

    • B. rewrite (re-WRITE)
    • C. eject (e-JECT)
    • D. oblige (ob-LIGE)
  36. D. consist (con-SIST)

    • A. compare (com-PARE)
    • B. compose (com-POSE)
    • C. company (COM-pa-ny)
  37. B. recognize (REC-og-nize)

    • A. manage (MAN-age)
    • C. argue (AR-gue)
    • D. discriminate (dis-crim-i-NATE)
  38. C. recommend (rec-o-MMEND)

    • A. entertain (en-ter-TAIN)
    • B. understand (un-der-STAND)
    • D. develop (de-VEL-op)
  39. A. offer (OF-fer)

    • B. listen (LIS-ten)
    • C. precede (pre-CEDE)
    • D. follow (FOL-low)
  40. B. appropriate (ap-PRO-pri-ate)

    • A. interview (IN-ter-view)
    • C. employ (em-PLOY)
    • D. describe (de-SCRIBE)
  41. A. support (sup-PORT)

    • B. fascinate (FAS-ci-nate)
    • C. accept (ac-CEPT)
    • D. believe (be-LIEVE)
  42. A. inform (in-FORM)

    • B. appeal (ap-PEAL)
    • C. attempt (at-TEMPT)
    • D. hesitate (HEZ-i-tate)
  43. A. integrate (IN-te-grate)

    • B. defeat (de-FEAT)
    • C. advise (ad-VISE)


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