Here are the rewritten sentences:
How far is it from Hanoi to Ha Tinh?
- What is the distance between Hanoi and Ha Tinh?
- How many kilometers is it from Hanoi to Ha Tinh?
How far is it from Hanoi to Hai Phong?
- What is the distance between Hanoi and Hai Phong?
- How many kilometers apart are Hanoi and Hai Phong?
How far is it from your house to your school?
- What is the distance between your house and your school?
- How many meters is it from your house to your school?
What is the distance between Ha Tinh and Hanoi?
- How far is it from Ha Tinh to Hanoi?
- How many kilometers apart are Ha Tinh and Hanoi?
What is the distance between your house and your school?
- How far is it from your house to your school?
- How many meters is it from your house to your school?
What is the distance between Da Nang and Hanoi?
- How far is it from Da Nang to Hanoi?
- How many kilometers apart are Da Nang and Hanoi?
How deep is the lake?
- What is the depth of the lake?
- How many meters deep is the lake?
How deep is the river?
- What is the depth of the river?
- How many meters deep is the river?
How deep is the well?
- What is the depth of the well?
- How many meters deep is the well?
What is the depth of this lake?
- How deep is this lake?
- How many meters deep is this lake?
- What is the depth of this lake?
- How deep is this lake?
- How many meters deep is this lake?
- How wide is your room?
- What is the width of your room?
- How many meters wide is your room?
- How wide is your classroom?
- What is the width of your classroom?
- How many meters wide is your classroom?
- How wide is the living room?
- What is the width of the living room?
- How many meters wide is the living room?
- How long is this ruler?
- What is the length of this ruler?
- How many centimeters long is this ruler?
- How long is this river?
- What is the length of this river?
- How many kilometers long is this river?
- How long is this stream?
- What is the length of this stream?
- How many meters long is this stream?