a. Minority languages will die out unless people make an effort to protect them.
b. If English is your native language, you will have greater opportunities in life.
c. The reason people can find communication difficult is due to different cultural behaviour and values rather than the language barrier.
d. Non-verbal communication using technology like video conferencing and webcam is not the same as talking to someone in the flesh.
e. When nations share a common language, they are likely to have good relations.
f. Children who are taught a language from an early age are far more likely to become fluent in it.
g. There is no point in learning a dead language like Latin.
h. The decline in the standards of written communication and literacy skills in general is due to an increase in text messaging and social networking amongst young people.
i. All citizens of a country should be forced to learn the official language even if it is not their mother tongue.
j. Body language, facial expression, and other communication skills are more important than speech in conveying emotions.