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Greetings in all languages have the same purpose: to establish contact with another person, to recognize his or her existence and to show friendliness. The formulas for greeting are very specific and usually do not carry any literal meaning people say "Good morning" even if it is a miserable day and may reply to "How are you?" with "Fine, thanks" even if they aren't feeling well. Closings, like greetings are commonly used to exchange with no literal meaning. People who are leaving each other permanently or for a long time shake hands or embrace, depending on the relationship. If you are in an unfamiliar situation and wonder what to do, watch other people or ask. It is interesting, and sometimes very important to learn about the standards of courtesy in different cultural areas of the world so that we can practice them well and avoid awkwardness in case we get a chance to visit a person or a community of unfamiliar social customs.