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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
09/11/2020 12:38:26

Viết về hoạt động tình nguyện mà em đã làm bằng tiếng Anh

Viết về hoạt đòng tình nguyện mà em đã làm bằng tiêng anh

2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Trần Tuấn Dương
09/11/2020 12:43:53
+5đ tặng
mẫu 1
In Vietnam, almost everyone, has been a volunteer work and I have too. At my age, I have not been donate blood so I often donate books, toys and clothes for street children and homeless people. I often do this work with my mother. Latest here on Sunday, I with my mother was used to donate books and clothes for a charity organization. In here, I met the orphans children. I played with them. Then I gave candies to them. They were all very happy.Some people think doing volunteer work is waste of time but in my opinion, doing volunteer work help me relax after school and it help me healthy. When I doing this work, I feel very happy to bring happiness to them.
mẫu 2
Being a volunteer is one of the best things you can do with your life. It's a great way to help other people. It's also very satisfying to know that you are not wasting your time and are helping people who need help. Many of us could and should be out there doing voluntary activities of some kind. So many volunteer organizations need extra hands. It really is easy. Just pick up the phone and offer your services. I think too many of us settle into a lazy lifestyle. We just want to come home and watch TV. Life is much more interesting when you're a volunteer. I've found it really opens your eyes to how some people live. It's sometimes sad to see how the government lets people down, but at least I'm doing my bit.
mẫu 3
Volunteer is nowadays a kind of community activity that attracts a large number of attendants from different age group on the basis of its huge advantages. In the first place, voluntary work provides adolescents many precious opportunities to develop social skills, foster independence and form the ability to deal with difficulties in different situations. Simultaneously, every member will be taught how to work in a team, the way to make conversation or the responsibility of finishing a task. The experience you gain will be valuable for your future, and, hence tackles serious problems in later life and ameliorates your quality of work. In addition, volunteer requires us kindness, determination, flexibility and a sense of moral responsibility to adapt to something new, thus improving our character as well as our ability. What is more, you can widen your relationship by making new friends through regular activities of clubs or organizations. You can also have a chance to travel more, have great adventures, approach something new or explore more interesting things you have not experienced before. In conclusion, the number of people applying for voluntary work has been on the increase in recent years and in the future, this figure is expected to rise higher when more people can realize profound effects of volunteering on the lives of individuals.
mẫu 4
In recent decades, there is a sharp increase in the number of people taking part in volunteering on account of some wonderful benefits that voluntary work can bring us as follows. In the first place, volunteering is beneficial to both mental and physical health. It has been shown that people will enjoy higher life satisfaction when being helpful to others, which allows them to get rid of stress, anxiety and depression. Secondly, volunteering builds a strong relationship among humans. It is easy to make friends with the same hobbies or purposes. That is why voluntary work is the perfect opportunity for people who are so shy and afraid of connecting with other people. Last but not least, people can gain work experiences and better career development. Such life skills can be gain through this activity as teamwork, problem-solving, time-management. Volunteering gives people free chances to try out new fields, testing new jobs to find the most suitable one in the future. To conclude, there are numerous personal benefits that people can gain by doing the volunteer work so it is encouraged that people should spend some free time to take part in this meaningful activity.
Đó là các mẫu , bạn thích chọn mẫu nào thì chọn

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Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
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09/11/2020 22:08:03
+4đ tặng
viết văn bằng tiếng việt rồi dịch ra tiếng anh
cái gì khó tra gg translate là xong
(bản thân tui thấy viết văn khó lắm, tình cảm tui dành cho văn cứng như đá- )
nếu bạn muốn tự viết thì đầu tiên bạn phải xác định công việc tình nguyện bạn muốn làm á
sau đó tả ra bằng lời
bạn làm công việc này bao lâu
bạn thích nó ko
nó giúp gì đc cho cộng đồng
nó có giúp bạn gắn kết với những người cũng thích công việc tình nguyện giống bạn ko
tóm lại cứ mở 1 câu thành 10 câu
rồi thành 1 tỷ câu, đại loại thế xd
có phần gì lủng văn củng thì bạn tham khảo các bài văn khác
(dùng gg translate nếu ko hiểu)
(99% ko hiểu đâu...)
e hèm, rồi khi thấy bài văn pờ phệch rồi thì translate nó ra tiếng anh
đi èn (the end)
(à muốn copy hoặc tham khảo thì ngay trên kia kìa)
chúc bạn học tốt Tiếng Anh như mình LOL-
~The Maker~


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