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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 11
05/05/2021 05:44:05

Talk about spork (swimming/foot ball)

Các bạn làm hộ mình 2 bài này với ạ

2 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
toán IQ
05/05/2021 05:54:34
+5đ tặng
2.My hobby is playing games. However, I’m not addicted to the game at all. I only play games when I’ve done my work. The game that I often play is League of Legends. This is a game that requires high strategy and flexible finger manipulation. I often play games with my friends. We split into teams and fight each other. When we play the game we become closer. Playing games helps me forget about the pressures in school. In order to play a healthy game, I only play 1 hour a day. My parents also know my gaming goals so I agree. On my 15th birthday, Dad bought me a computer set for my study and entertainment games. I like to play games but I also know the balance between playing time and studying. If you can do that, the game is not bad.

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Cải thiện điểm số của bạn bằng cách đăng ký tài khoản Lazi.
Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
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05/05/2021 07:24:14
+4đ tặng
My favorite sport is playing football. I often play football in my spare time. After completing my home work at home, I generally spend my lot of free time in playing football.
I was so interested to play football from my childhood however started learning to play well when I was 5 years old. I was in one class when I was 5 years old.
My father asked to my class teacher in the PTM about my hobby of football. And my teacher told him that there is a facility of playing sports daily in the school from class 1 so you can admit your child. Now, I really enjoy playing football and participate in the inter-school competitions.

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