Nowadays, we are living in modern life and much more facilities in different fields which make life easier for the people, on the other hand, life is full of challenges and situations facing us, especially dealing with the society, different people, different cultures and ages.
Apparently, when we have started a life trip we came with zero experience and the lucky one of us who came to the life with guides people who arrived before him and people dedicate their times, power, and feelings to help, those are good parents.
Parents are teachers, they always teaching us in many ways intentionally and unintentionally, however, vocal guidelines and acting on daily basis activities are the ways of the life experience knowledge transfer regardless of different culture, language, facilities, or economic level of the family. But in my opinion, in modern life, the education level of the parents is a major factor and considered in the quality of the knowledge and experience transfer to the children.
There are many teachers around the world which can teach you a lot of life experience but parents always special and the flavor of the knowledge you gain is unique and neat because it always comes with feelings which are impossible to get from other teachers. Regardless the knowledge is good or bad, right or wrong parents are the best teachers. Finally, you will discover and decide about our life when we reach the rational age. And when we become parents for the newcomers, we would make the best decision for them.