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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 12
02/10/2021 13:42:40
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Choose the best answer

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1. Choose the best answer.
their children.
1. In any culture, parents usually
A. supply
D. supplement
2. Mr. Eisenhower .. Mr. Kennedy as President of the United States.
D. went before
C. ahead of
B. preceded
surveys to find out what groups of people readt
A. led
3. Many publishers
A. make
C. carry
D. perform
4. I regret to say that I am ...
B. forced
to leave early to catch my train.
D. needed
C. obliged
A. having
. is that our grandfather will soon be well.
5. Our
A. trust
B. wish
D. believe
C. liking
6. The foot is heavier and stronger than its
on the forelimb, the hand.
D. counterpart
A. friend
B. brother
C. relative
7. Human decisions and actions would be
by causes that precede them
D. determined
A. detected
B. deciding
C. depended
an unjust or
course of action.
A. untie
C. unwise
D. unknown
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