I spend money reasonably regularly, like everyone else, I suppose. What's more important, I believe, is what you spend money on, and how much you spend on it.
I don't really spend a lot of money on general, consumer-oriented things. I don't walk into my favourite store at the mall and become seduced by what's on sale. Usually, if anything, I almost laugh at the gimmicky advertising when it's silly enough. I rarely buy new clothes. Occasionally I'll buy a pair of shorts or something, but never really multiple clothing items. I do, however, enjoy spending some money on friends. I love seeing a smile on their face because of something I've done for them. I like Christmas shopping for people I care about. I always want to buy the best presents for people, and that adds up quickly. I also like spending smaller amounts on friends of mine more regularly. One of my good pals works at a store in a nearby mall, and so I've gotten to know pretty much everyone in that store. I like them, they're nice people. One time recently, one of the girls working there was upset, and her and I were chatting about it a bit. I felt bad for her and wanted to put her in a good mood, so I figured some sugary treats would do the job. We all love sweets because they taste good, but I was also thinking that sugar puts us in a better mood, biologically, in the short term, so that also was a part of my reasoning.. I'm not that great at ordering from those places, as you can imagine), two brownies and a cookie. They were all very happy and it made me feel good that they felt good. I didn't order anything for myself because I didn't need a drink or a cookie.