Materials :
1 tea bag filter bag
Condensed milk, sugar.
30g flour power.
1 tablespoon cocoa powder.
Big, large jar, straw, small pot, bowl, sieve ...
How to make milk tea
Heat up the hot water and pour it into a glass. Dip tea into a glass and wait for the tea to dissolve.
After mixing the tea with hot water, the condensed milk is dissolved.
How to make pearl
Add the flour and cocoa powder into the same bowl clean, sieve thoroughly and mix well.
Pour hot water into the mix, mix when the mixture is smooth (not too dry or paste).
Mix the mixture with cold hands, knead. When the powder is even, pour the powder into small round tablets. Vo until the powder is gone.
Add the sugar to the boil, let cool (more depending on the taste).
Boil water to boil, pour the pearl in cooking for about 3 minutes depending on the pearl size or small (should give all pearls in a turn so that they ripen).
When the pearl is ripe, pick out prepared sugar.
Then, pearl on a glass of milk tea. Add ice cubes and enjoy.