Steven Universe is an American animation program created by Rebecca Sugar and distributed by Warner Bros. Television for Cartoon Network. The story revolves around a boy named Steven living in a fictional City Beach with Garnet gems, Amethyst (based on Purple Quartz), and Pearl (based on Pearls). ), together they are called gem warriors. Steven, half-man, half-man, adventure with friends and save humanity from the danger of their own species. Sugar developed the program while she was working on Adventure Time. The program was first shown on Cartoon Network on November 4, 2013, and this is also the first show of this channel created by women.
The program received many positive reviews for drawing, music, voice acting, character character and how to create fantasy world. The show was nominated for an Emmy and five Annie Awards. Books, comics, and video games are also distributed.
Steven Universe was refreshed to prepare for the fourth and fifth installments in March, 2017, with season 3 airing in June.
The series is set in a fictional city - Beach City is located in the East Coast of the United States. There, the Precious Stones group lives in an ancient temple facing the sea, fighting against evil and protecting the world. Are alien warriors taking the shape of women made from precious stones (the core of their lives). The four Precious Stone Warriors include Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and Steven, a hybrid of two species of humans and gems, inherited the pearl of his mother, Rose. Formerly the leader of the precious warriors. While trying to understand his abilities, he often spends time with his father Greg, his friend Connie, the inhabitants of the Beach City, or with the precious stones, they help Steven save the world. Or simply go out. Steven always tries to understand the power transmitted from his mother, including the fetus - the ability to combine two bodies together and form new personality and abilities.
In the first season of the series, the story gradually reveals that the Gemstone Group is the remnant of an advanced civilization between the stars. Most of the places they go to are ancient ruins that are very important to the culture of gems. The Gem has been cut off from the home planet, and each of the gems they fight is a gem that has lost its human form. In the final episode of the season, the homeland has intended to put other gems to Earth to test the gems that survived and create new gems. Now, after 5000 years, Rose's rebellious group defeated the homeland to thwart the plots, their plotting to return to Earth with two enemies, Peridot (based on the Peridot Stone) and Jasper Based on Jasper Stone. In season two, Peridot and the Precious Stone block the formation of the Cluster in Earth's core, while they continue to search for Lapis Lazuli and Jasper, Malachite. Malachite or feathered rock) lying on the seafloor.
Season 3 debuted with many events such as Peridot was a member of the gem (Crystal Gem) and found the Lapis Lazuli
After defeating the Malachite, the gemstone team had only saved Lapis Lazuli and Jasper had fallen into the cracks of the Cluster earthquake. But in recent patches, Jasper is back while Lapis Lazuli is fishing with Steven and Greg.