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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 8
23/01 20:43:46

Làm sao thoát khỏi lũ lụt viết bằng tiếng anh

làm sao thoát khỏi lũ lụt viết bằng tiếng anh
5 trả lời
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Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
How to escape from a flood?
23/01 20:44:33
+5đ tặng
One of the hot phenomena receiving the attention of the entire public and society today is the flood phenomenon that is raging violently in the central part of our country and causing a lot of damage to people and property. For nearly a month now, the water has risen in many provinces and cities such as Thua Thien Hue, Quang Nam, Quang Binh, etc., reaching the roof of the house. Many houses in low-lying areas were swept away. Animals and crops were severely damaged and drifted along with the flood, leaving nothing, much of the stored food was also damaged. People who lost all their properties, fell into dire circumstances, had to sit on the roofs of their houses and wait for people to come to their aid. An even more painful situation is that many people have died because of storms and floods, including pregnant women giving birth and thirteen soldiers on duty here. An even more painful situation is that many people have died because of storms and floods, including pregnant women giving birth and thirteen soldiers on duty here. The consequences of storms and floods that everyone can see is that people's lives are severely damaged, causing great loss of people and property: houses are swept away, people fall into the "dilemma dilemma". “stuck in the flood zone, unable to move. The property they built up their whole life was completely destroyed. The ecological environment is also severely damaged by flood water. Therefore, people need to be more optimistic to overcome this period and at the same time, we also need to support each other to make life less difficult in accordance with the spirit of "mutual love" of the nation.

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Cải thiện điểm số của bạn bằng cách đăng ký tài khoản Lazi.
Xem toàn bộ các câu trả lời, chat trực tiếp 1:1 với đội ngũ Gia sư Lazi bằng cách Đăng ký tài khoản ngay bây giờ
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Ng Linh
23/01 20:44:45
+4đ tặng

One of the hot phenomena receiving the attention of the entire public and society today is the flood phenomenon that is raging violently in the central part of our country and causing a lot of damage to people and property. For nearly a month now, the water has risen in many provinces and cities such as Thua Thien Hue, Quang Nam, Quang Binh, etc., reaching the roof of the house. Many houses in low-lying areas were swept away. Animals and crops were severely damaged and drifted along with the flood, leaving nothing, much of the stored food was also damaged. People who lost all their properties, fell into dire circumstances, had to sit on the roofs of their houses and wait for people to come to their aid. An even more painful situation is that many people have died because of storms and floods, including pregnant women giving birth and thirteen soldiers on duty here. An even more painful situation is that many people have died because of storms and floods, including pregnant women giving birth and thirteen soldiers on duty here. The consequences of storms and floods that everyone can see is that people's lives are severely damaged, causing great loss of people and property: houses are swept away, people fall into the "dilemma dilemma". “stuck in the flood zone, unable to move. The property they built up their whole life was completely destroyed. The ecological environment is also severely damaged by flood water. Therefore, people need to be more optimistic to overcome this period and at the same time, we also need to support each other to make life less difficult in accordance with the spirit of "mutual love" of the nation.

Q Híu
23/01 20:45:31
+3đ tặng

The central region of our country was severely affected when a series of storms hit consecutively. But after the storm comes the flood. The water rose constantly, hundreds of thousands of households were flooded. Pets and flowers were swept away by floods. Although rescue operations have begun, this year's situation is not the same as every year. The flood is too high. There are images transmitted on the internet, which are images taken from above, some central areas like flooded with water. The property is gone! An even more painful situation is that many people have died because of storms and floods, including pregnant women giving birth and thirty years of soldiers on duty here. The consequences of floods and storms that everyone can see is that people's lives are severely damaged causing great damage to people and property. The property they built up their whole life was completely destroyed. The ecological environment is also severely damaged by flood water. Therefore, the Government and people throughout the country join hands and contribute to helping the people in the Central region overcome difficulties, overcome the consequences of floods, and help people stabilize their lives as quickly as possible. We need to be more optimistic to overcome this period and at the same time, we also need to support each other to make life less difficult in accordance with the spirit of "mutual love" of the nation.

huỳnh thiên bảo
23/01 20:46:15
+2đ tặng
- How to escape the flood ?
 - In Viet Nam, floods are a natural occurrence. Flood due to rising river water during the rainy season. The amount of rising water that occurs on a river at a level that makes it possible for floods to occur once or many times a year. into low-lying areas and cause widespread inundation over a period of time. Floods are known as large and especially large when they cause great and prolonged damage to people and property. In order to monitor the changes in the water level on the river, people measure the water level and draw it into a water map. bridges, sewers, railways, etc. Not only causing material damage, floods also cause human and animal injuries due to drowning or injury due to flooding. Therefore, we must protect our houses and respond to flood risks.
Ngọc Hân
23/01 21:05:25
+1đ tặng
The central region of our country was severely affected when a series of storms hit consecutively. But after the storm comes the flood. The water rose constantly, hundreds of thousands of households were flooded. Pets and flowers were swept away by floods. Although rescue operations have begun, this year's situation is not the same as every year. The flood is too high. There are images transmitted on the internet, which are images taken from above, some central areas like flooded with water. The property is gone! An even more painful situation is that many people have died because of storms and floods, including pregnant women giving birth and thirty years of soldiers on duty here. The consequences of floods and storms that everyone can see is that people's lives are severely damaged causing great damage to people and property. The property they built up their whole life was completely destroyed. The ecological environment is also severely damaged by flood water. Therefore, the Government and people throughout the country join hands and contribute to helping the people in the Central region overcome difficulties, overcome the consequences of floods, and help people stabilize their lives as quickly as possible. We need to be more optimistic to overcome this period and at the same time, we also need to support each other to make life less difficult in accordance with the spirit of "mutual love" of the nation.

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