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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 7
27/04 22:33:38

The red........... is one of the best known of Australia's native animals

A. whale
B. squirrel
12. The red........... is one of the best known of Australia's native animals
13. is a self-balancing one-wheeled electric vehicle for personal transportation
C. kangaroo
D. kimi
A. Bamboo-copter
14. When your electric car
A. wheels
B. Car
C. Solowheel
........... depletes, it will need to be recharged
B. battery
C. pedals
D. Bullet trains
D. wings
15. Recycling means to reuse something. The more we....... the less energy is needed
A. recycle
B. build
C. repair
D. use
is it from your house to the nearest bus stop?-"About 50 meters
A. How far
17.1 think future planes
B. How long
C. How often
D. How much
A. look
like the UFOs
B. looks
A. funny
A. though
B. so
B. arrived
A. a
A. yours
18. Peter goes to school.... foot everyday. A. on
19. We couldn't stop laughing when seeing this
A. horror film
20. The film is 100
21. The fans of the film filled the cinemas
22. Nancy is on the way and she .......... in about half an hour.
A. arrives
23. There is.......... area on Planet Mars which NASA has named Glasgow.
B. an
C. the
24. Yesterday you probably brought my book home instead of....
25. Angelina and Robert
A. don't talk
26. At present, my city
A. is building
27. Sky Tran is
A. an- the
28. Fossil fuels........
C. will look
B. by
D. are looking
C. in
B. comedy
with a lot of fighting and killing scene.
B. violent
C. interesting
the show time was
C. however
C. fantasy
D. action film
D. romantic
D. and
C. is arriving
D. will arrive
B. your
C. your book
to each other right now.
B. aren't talking C. won't talk
... station for skyTrans.
B. will build
C. build
D. mine
D. didn't talk
D. built
aerial cars that glide 20 to 30 feet above
C. a-a
ground along elevated tracks.
D. the-the
A. are - lived
29. There
A. was
B. an a
formed from plants and animals that ......... millions of years ago.
B. were - lives
C. were - lived
... over 10 million sheep but just 3 million people in Wales.
B. were
C. is
30. They looked at our pictures, but they didn't show us
A. theirs
B. their
B. the-a-the
C. them
D. are- live
D. are
D. they
31. Canada and .......... USA share .......... longest international border in world.
A. the-the-a
32. The city have a ten-minute long *****
A. fireworks
A. Are
B. costumes
C. the - the- the D. the-the-a
display on New Year's Eve.
C. feast
33.............you buy a birthday present for Brian next Sunday?
B. Will
34. People need to find some other means of
A. transport
B. vehicle
B. looks
35. I think future planes......... like the UFOs.
A. will look
D. parade
D. De
to deal with traffic jams.
C. Did
C. travelling
C. look
C. its
36. Dogs love to play with a ball, and it is a favourite activity of.
A. their
37. Look at......
A. them
B. theirs
B. mine
beautiful picture collection of vehicles!
D. living
D. are looking
D. it
D. yours
C. It will be
D. Will it be
C. we
D. us
C. her
........ easy for them to build another metro system?
A. Be will it
B. Be it will
39. Your idea is good, but not as good as
A. ours
B. our
1 trả lời
Hỏi chi tiết
Phương Mai
27/04 22:34:23
+5đ tặng
  • The red C. kangaroo is one of the best known of Australia's native animals.
  • C. Solowheel is a self-balancing one-wheeled electric vehicle for personal transportation.
  • When your electric car B. battery depletes, it will need to be recharged.
  • Recycling means to reuse something. The more we A. recycle, the less energy is needed.
  • A. How far is it from your house to the nearest bus stop? - "About 50 meters".
  • I think future planes A. will look like the UFOs.
  • Peter goes to school A. on foot every day.
  • We couldn't stop laughing when seeing this B. comedy film with a lot of fighting and killing scene.
  • The film is 100 D. O.
  • The fans of the film filled the cinemas C. to the showtime was.
  • Nancy is on the way and she C. is arriving in about half an hour.
  • There is B. an area on Planet Mars which NASA has named Glasgow.
  • Yesterday you probably brought my book home instead of D. yours.
  • Angelina and Robert B. aren't talking to each other right now.
  • At present, my city A. is building a station for SkyTran.
  • Sky Tran is D. the aerial cars that glide 20 to 30 feet above the ground along elevated tracks.
  • Fossil fuels D. are formed from plants and animals that lived millions of years ago.
  • There A. was over 10 million sheep but just 3 million people in Wales.
  • They looked at our pictures, but they didn't show us B. theirs.
  • Canada and C. the USA share D. the-the-a longest international border in the world.
  • The city has a ten-minute long A. fireworks display on New Year's Eve.
  • B. Will you buy a birthday present for Brian next Sunday?
  • People need to find some other means of C. travelling to deal with traffic jams.
  • I think future planes A. will look like the UFOs.
  • Dogs love to play with a ball, and it is a favourite activity of A. theirs.
  • Look at D. them.
  • C. Is it easy for them to build another metro system?
  • Your idea is good, but not as good as A. ours.

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