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Tiếng Anh - Lớp 5
05/06 13:01:18

Write about your favorite story

Write about your favorite story.
mình muốn viết về chuyện Tấm Cám mong các bạn giúp
4 trả lời
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Tham khảo câu trả lời từ Trợ lý ảo Lazi
Chuyện "Tấm Cám" là một trong những câu chuyện cổ tích nổi tiếng và được yêu thích nhất trong văn học dân gian Việt Nam. Câu chuyện này không chỉ mang lại những bài học quý giá về đạo đức, mà còn phản ánh sâu sắc những giá trị văn hóa và truyền thống của người Việt.

Câu chuyện kể về Tấm, một cô gái hiền lành, chăm chỉ nhưng mồ côi mẹ từ nhỏ. Sau khi cha cô qua đời, Tấm phải sống cùng với mẹ kế và em gái cùng cha khác mẹ là Cám. Mẹ kế và Cám luôn tìm cách hãm hại và đối xử tệ bạc với Tấm. Tuy nhiên, nhờ vào sự giúp đỡ của Bụt, Tấm đã vượt qua nhiều khó khăn và thử thách.

Một trong những chi tiết nổi bật của câu chuyện là khi Tấm nhặt được xương cá Bống mà cô đã nuôi dưỡng, Bụt đã hiện lên và giúp Tấm biến những xương cá ấy thành những bộ quần áo đẹp để cô có thể đi dự hội. Tại hội, Tấm đã đánh rơi chiếc giày và nhà vua nhặt được. Nhà vua đã tổ chức cuộc tìm kiếm khắp nơi và cuối cùng tìm thấy Tấm, rồi cưới cô làm hoàng hậu.

Tuy nhiên, câu chuyện không dừng lại ở đó. Mẹ kế và Cám vẫn tiếp tục tìm cách hãm hại Tấm, thậm chí đã giết cô và thay thế bằng Cám. Nhưng với sự kiên cường và lòng nhân hậu, Tấm đã nhiều lần tái sinh và cuối cùng trở lại làm hoàng hậu, trừng phạt những kẻ ác độc.

Chuyện "Tấm Cám" không chỉ là một câu chuyện cổ tích đơn thuần mà còn chứa đựng nhiều bài học sâu sắc. Nó dạy chúng ta về lòng kiên nhẫn, sự chăm chỉ, và niềm tin vào công lý. Đồng thời, câu chuyện cũng phản ánh sự đấu tranh giữa cái thiện và cái ác, và cuối cùng cái thiện luôn chiến thắng.

Viết về "Tấm Cám" là một cách để chúng ta nhớ lại và trân trọng những giá trị văn hóa truyền thống của dân tộc, đồng thời cũng là cơ hội để chúng ta suy ngẫm về những bài học quý giá mà câu chuyện mang lại.
Ngọc Châu
05/06 13:02:26
+5đ tặng
The fairy tale Tam Cam is a story that has existed for a long time, and has accompanied many generations of Vietnamese children.

The story revolves around the life of the main character, the gentle and modest Ms. Tam. Ms. Tam lost her mother at a young age. Not long after her father passed away, her father passed away, leaving her to live alone with her stepmother and her stepson, Cam. So much suffering in Tam's life was caused by this cruel mother and son.

During his childhood years until he grew up, Tam was forced by his stepmother to work hard all day, and endured scolding and deprivation. One time, my aunt took out her new peach bib to organize a contest for Tam and Cam to find crabs and catch snails. Of course, with his diligence, the majority will have to go to Tam. Unexpectedly, the cunning Cam plotted to trick Tam into washing her hair, so that she could take the basket of shrimp and crab home first. When Tam got to shore, there was only a tiny goby left in the basket. Tam burst into tears, then Mr. Buddha appeared and told her to bring the goby fish home to raise.

Tam raises fish in the well behind the house. Every day, I bring out rice to feed the fish, and sing my own song so the goby emerges. Unexpectedly, the evil stepmother was snooping around and came up with a bad plan. She tricked Tam into herding buffalo in the far fields, then at home imitated Tam and called the goby fish and ate it. After eating, she buried the fish bones in the corner of the kitchen. By the time Tam got home, brought the rice to the well, and called up the pot, all that was left was the bright red clot of blood. Sad, Tam burst into tears. Mr. Buddha appeared again, instructing Tam to take a handful of rice to feed the chickens, and let them dig through the ground to find goby fish bones. Then he told Tam to bury the bones in four jars, placing them at the foot of the bed.

Not long after, the king opened a festival to recruit wives, and daughters everywhere dressed up to attend the festival. Tam was also excited. She asked her stepmother to let her go to the festival. Unexpectedly, she forced her to pick up a pile of rice grains and beans mixed together before she could go to the festival. Heartbroken, Tam burst into tears again. Mr. Buddha appeared again, calling a flock of sparrows to help Tam. Thanks to that, she quickly completed the work assigned by her stepmother. But now, what should she wear to go to the festival, when all she has are old outfits? Seeing her concern, Mr. Buddha told her to pick up the vases at the foot of the bed. Alas, inside is a gorgeous dress and shoes. Wearing it, Tam is as beautiful as a princess.

Having the dress, Tam thanked Mr. Buddha and happily went to the festival. While crossing the river, she dropped one shoe into the water. There were so many people coming to the meeting that she couldn't go down and find her shoes. At that moment, the king's elephant passed by, caught his shoe, and refused to walk. The king sent his soldiers down to look at the shoes, looked at the shoes for a moment, and then the king pointed out: Whoever fits in those shoes will be the king's wife. So many girls came to try their luck, but no one was suitable. When it was Tam's turn, she immediately went to try it out. So Tam became queen.

Although she became the king's wife, Ms. Tam still maintained her hardworking qualities. That year, on the anniversary of her father's death, she asked the king to return to her hometown to celebrate his death. Returning home, she personally prepared a decent tray to worship her father. Later, the stepmother asked Tam to climb a tree to pick areca nuts. Then, while she was on the areca tree, he cut down the root, causing her to fall into the pond and die.

Thanks to a miracle, Tam did not die but turned into gold and flew into the king's palace. The king treasured his gold so much that he carried it with him wherever he went. This made Cam - the man who wore Tam's clothes to enter the palace to replace the king's maid - extremely jealous. One day the king was away, Cam caught a bird to eat, then threw the bird's feathers in a corner of the garden. From that pile of bird feathers, an unusually tall and luxuriant oval tree grew. Under the shade of the tree, the king felt very comfortable, so he let his soldiers hang hammocks under the tree and often go there to rest. Jealous of the neem tree, waiting for the king to patrol, Cam ordered someone to cut the tree down to make a loom. But every time Cam weaved, the loom would creak and make scary curses that scared her. So she had someone burn the loom to ashes, then dump it at an intersection far away from the king's palace.

Cam thought it was over so he was very happy. Who would have thought that from that pile of ashes, a huge apricot tree grew, and then the tree produced a single apricot fruit, emitting a fragrant scent. A woman selling water at the base of a tree saw this and asked the tree to let her take the fruit home to smell, and promised not to eat the fruit. Then the fruit fell into her bag. From that day on, waiting for the old lady to leave, Ms. Tam came out from the market and helped her with housework and cooking. The old lady found it strange, so she peeped and discovered her. She hugged Tam and asked to adopt her. From then on, the two became mother and daughter.

One day, the king returned from a patrol and stopped at the old lady's cafe. Looking at the betel pieces with phoenix wings that looked like his wife, the king immediately invited the betel maker to meet him. When they saw each other, they were both happy and sad, embracing each other in happiness. After that, Tam followed the king back to the palace and lived happily together. As for Cam and his mother, they were sent away to another country, never to return. It's worthy of two cruel people.

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Ng Quynh Nhu
05/06 13:04:49
+4đ tặng
Today , I want to introduce my favorite story is tam cam.
Tam Cam is a folk tale about two sisters, Tam Cam. Tam, who lost his mother at a young age, lives with his mother, stepmother, and Cam. Cam and her mother often tortured and treated Tam unfairly. Sometimes he stole all the fish that Tam caught, sometimes he killed all of Tam's friends, sometimes he didn't let Tam go to the festival, forcing him to stay at home and pick rice. However, with Buddha's help, Tam was able to go to the festival and meet the king. When returning from the banquet, Tam dropped the slipper and the king accordingly found someone to marry. Tam became queen, which made Cam and her mother jealous and plotted to kill Tam. But Tam has turned into an oriole, a peach tree, a loom, and a fruit. And finally Tam met the king again and lived in a happy palace for the rest of his life. And Cam and her mother must suffer retribution for the crimes they committed
Ng Quynh Nhu
Chấm mk vớiiiuu
Việt Hưng
05/06 13:11:07
+3đ tặng
The story of Tấm Cám is a famous Vietnamese folk tale that tells the story of two stepsisters, Tấm and Cám. Tấm, the kind and gentle younger sister, is mistreated and made to disappear by her stepmother. Cám, the wicked and cruel stepsister, takes Tấm's place and tries to win the heart of the prince. Through a series of trials and challenges, the true identity of Tấm is revealed, and justice prevails in the end. The story of Tấm Cám teaches important lessons about kindness, perseverance, and the triumph of good over evil.
05/06 13:29:05
+2đ tặng
Tam Cam is a traditional Vietnamese fairy tale that follows the story of two step-sisters, Tam and Cam. Tam is a kind and gentle girl, while Cam is selfish and jealous. The stepmother favors Cam and treats Tam poorly, making her do all the household chores while Cam lounges around. Despite the mistreatment, Tam remains patient and kind. One day, a magical fish grants Tam a beautiful dress and a chance to attend a festival where the prince falls in love with her. However, Cam's jealousy leads to a series of events that threaten Tam's happiness and well-being. Through perseverance and the help of magical creatures, Tam overcomes the challenges and finds her happily ever after. The story of Tam Cam teaches valuable lessons about kindness, resilience, and the power of goodness triumphing over evil.

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